Orientation Program For Newly Admitted 1st Year Diploma Students Of KIIT Polytechnic


The Orientation Program for the newly admitted(2018-19) 1st year students of KIIT Polytechnic was organized in Campus -7 auditorium on 24th August, 2018. The program was graced by the Principal, KIIT Polytechnic along with all the Heads of Departments, AO, FIC, Examinations and Academic Coordinator (1st Year).

Prior to this program, the students visited all the campuses of KIIT and KISS.  In the orientation program, the students were focused on  the academic curriculum and the future scopes of the departments by the respective Heads of Departments. The Administrative Officer addressed regarding the facilities, rules & regulations and maintaining discipline in  and outside the campuses. The FIC, Examinations appraised the students about the subjects, Bio-metric attendance and examination systems.

At last, the  Principal, KP advised the students to focus on 3 Ds i.e.  Determination, Dedication and Devotion to achieve success in future.

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