KIIT Organizes All India Inter Zone Inter University Table Tennis Tournament-2018


The All India Inter Zone Inter University Table Tennis (M) Tournament is being conducted at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology(KIIT), Deemed to be University from 16th to 19th February, 2018. A total number of 105 players, officials and coaches have been gathered in University Campus for this mega event. The contest will be among top 16 teams(4 teams from each zones of India).

The Tournament was formally Inaugurated by Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS, Ms. Dutee Chand, Olympian, Dr. Gaganendu Dash, Director Sports, KIIT and Mr. Narendra Rastogi, International TT Umpire and Chief Referee of the tournament.

Six National and International Achievers were felicitated during the inaugural ceremony – Ronit Bhanja (Currently India Ranking 2nd) , Arjun Ghosh (World Ranking 9th in U-15 category) from West Bengal State University, Anant Devraj (U-19 world ranking 24th) from Anna University, Birdii Boro (Represented India in U-19 Team) from Delhi University, Sidhhesh Pandey (U-21 ranked 3rd in India), Sanish Ambekar (U-21 ranked 5th in India). In fact, KIIT is the only team of Odisha representing East Zone in this tournament.

The result of the first day is as follows:

  1. Punjabi University defeated Karnataka University with 3-0 score
  2. Savitri bai Phule Pune University won against University of Burdwan with 3-2 score
  3. SRM University won against LNIPE, Gwalior with 3-0
  4. Calcutta University defeated GNDU, Amritsar with 3-0


The result of the Day 2

  1.  University of Burdwan defeated Punjabi University with 3-1 score
  2. Savitribai Phule Pune University defeated Karnataka University with 3-0 score
  3. SRM University defeated G.N.D.U, Amritsar with 3-0 score
  4. University of Kolkata defeated LNIPE, Gwalior with 3-0 score
  5. University of Mumbai defeated Visvesvaraya Technological University with 3-0 score
  6. Delhi University defeated KIIT with 3-0 score
  7. West Bengal State University defeated SRTM University with 3-1 score
  8. Anna University defeated Lucknow University with 3-0 score
  9. Punjab University defeated Savitribai Phule Pune University with 3-1 score
  10. University of Burdwan defeated Karnataka University with 3-0 score
  11. G.N.D.U, Amritsar defeated LNIPE, Gwalior with 3-1 score
  12. University of Kolkata defeated SRM University with 3-2 score

The Result

  1. West Bengal State University defeated University of Mumbai with 3-2 score in the finals
  2. University of Delhi defeated Anna University with 3-0 score for 3rd & 4th place.
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