Speak and Search Lecture Series Talk on ‘Significance of AI in Manufacturing Industries during Covid-19’


Dr. Sushanta Tripathy, Professor, KIIT School of Mechanical Engineering delivered a talk on “Significance of AI in Manufacturing Industries during Covid-19” on 25th January 2021, through Virtual mode, under the “Speak and Search Lecture Series” organized by the School.

The Covid-19 pandemic hit manufacturers in an extraordinary and unexpected way, Dr. Tripathy said. “The lockdown has put a whole lot of stress on the manufacturing industry to increase their sales, which contributes nearly 20% of the GDP. To recover from these situations, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be a strong vaccine in the coming days”, he stated. The speaker also discussed various factors affecting AI in manufacturing industries during the pandemic through a structural model developed by his research group.

The session was attended by the faculty members and students of the School of Mechanical Engineering and was quite interactive and informative. Dr. Bharat Chandra Routara, Dean, School of Mechanical Engineering thanked Dr. Tripathy for delivering the lecture. It was coordinated by Dr. Dinesh Kumar Rathore, Assistant Professor and Dr. Sudesna Roy, Associate Professor.  

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