KIIT Faculty Delivers Virtual Technical Talk on “Digitalization is a Vaccine for Manufacturing Industries during COVID-19”


Dr. Sushanta Tripathy, Professor, KIIT School of Mechanical Engineering delivered a virtual technical talk titled “Digitalization is a Vaccine for Manufacturing Industries during COVID-19” at the Institute of Anti-aging Healthcare (IDA), Inje University, South Korea on 26th August, 2021.

Starting with a brief introduction of KIIT, he talked about the challenges faced by the manufacturing industries during the pandemic and significance of digitalization (AI, IoT, BDA and Blockchain Technology). He proposed an interpretive structural model to know the interrelationship among  the factors influencing digitalization in manufacturing sectors. His talk was a guideline for the researchers in the field industrial engineering and supply chain management.

Professor Hee-Cheol Kim, Dean, Institute of Anti-aging Healthcare (IDA) appreciated Dr Tripathy for his valuable research talk  and showed interest in collaborative research, student’s exchange programme and MoU with KIIT in the near future after the pandemic scenario. Professor Satyabrata Aich, Professor, Industry Academic Engagement,  Steven Kim and Professor Moon-ll Joo interacted with Dr Tripathy during the session.

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