ATAL FDP On Smart manufacturing and Industry 5.0


Online Faculty Developed Programme was conducted from 16/12/24 to 21/12/24, by School of Mechanical Engg., KIIT Deemed to be University which was sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL). Dr. Smitirupa Pradhan and Dr. Niloptala Bej act as coordinator and Co-cordinator, respectively for this program. This program aims to empower faculty members and researchers with knowledge and skills in cutting-edge areas of Smart manufacturing and Industry 5.0. Smart manufacturing refers to the application of advanced technologies like IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), cloud computing, and big data in the manufacturing sector to optimize processes, improve productivity, and enhance flexibility. Industry 5.0 builds upon Industry 4.0, emphasizing human-centric innovation, environmental sustainability, and resilience in manufacturing processes. It highlights the collaboration between humans and machines rather than the complete automation of tasks. Smart manufacturing prioritizes technological advancements and process efficiency, Industry 5.0 reintroduces the human touch, ensuring a balance between automation and human creativity for a sustainable future. We are focusing on the sub- topics like from Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing to Industry 5.0, role of process Automation in Industry 4.0/5.0, role of Industry 4.0 in smart manufacturing, factory automation, use of AI in Industry 5.0 and requirements additive manufacturing in
Industry 5.0, etc.

The experts were from different renowned universities/ IITs/ NITs as well as different industries such as HP Inc., NMDC Steel Limited and ACRi Infotech Pvt. Ltd, etc. We are deeply grateful to Dr. Achyuta Samanta, the visionary founder of KIIT and KISS, for his relentless efforts in transforming lives through education and empowerment. His commitment to creating opportunities for underprivileged communities and fostering excellence in higher education is truly inspiring. Dr. Samanta's dedication continues to pave the way for a brighter and more equitable future for countless individuals.

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