KIIT NSS Electronics Celebrates‘Poshan Pakhwada’


NSS wing of KIIT School of Electronics Engineering celebrated “Poshan Pakhwada” (Nutrition Fortnight) from 21st March to 4th April 2022 at the adopted village Padmakesharipur. The volunteers were led by Prof. Sruti S. Singh, NSS Program Officer.

Spreading the word against malnourishment, NSS SoEE volunteers conducted door to door awareness amongst the underprivileged sections of the society. The volunteers also conducted a General Knowledge Quiz Competition amongst the kids of the village. The celebration concluded with distribution of nutritious food amongst the children. The villagers agreed that taking care of nutrition at all times wasn’t feasible for them owing to the monetary constraints, but they promised to be vigilant.

The volunteers of the KIIT NSS Electronics, Project Parivartan and Project Lakshya, extended their gratitude to the Dr. Achutya Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS; Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Vice Chancellor; Prof. Kajal Parashar, Program Coordinator – NSS, KIIT-DU; and the KIIT NSS Electronics Program Officers for their constant support and guidance.

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