KIIT Faculty Joins Webinar on “Smart Antenna for 4G Cellular Network” Organized by JIIT


Professor J. S. Roy from School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University was invited as a speaker to address a webinar organized by Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT), Deemed to be University, Noida on “Smart Antenna for 4G Cellular Network” on 18th May, 2021.

Smart Antenna is one of the key technologies in cellular communication. The ability of automatic change of beam direction by Smart Antenna made it a useful antenna technology in 4G cellular networks. Smart Antenna improves performance in 4G/5G cellular communication (ITU recommendation). Design and Technological details of Smart Antenna were presented at this webinar. Improvement of 4G/5G cellular network using Smart Antenna was described in this presentation.

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