KIIT Faculty Delivers Expert Lecture at Kolhapur Institute of Technology


Prof. Suprava Patnaik, Dean, School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University delivered an expert lecture to the participants of ATAL FDP on ‘Modern Trends in AI and ML’ organized by Kolhapur Institute of Technology’s College of Engineering on 15th January 2021. The title of the talk was “Deep Learning: What, How and Why..?” The deliberation was about historical metamorphosis, technical revolution & demand, success and challenges of deep learning. It was attended by 67 faculty members from various institutions.

Prior to this, Prof. Patnaik had delivered expert talks for ATAL FDP organized by BIT, Mesra, on the topic “Deep Sequence Learning” on 10th January 2021 and for IEEE sponsored STTP organized by Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST) on “Signal Processing for Machine Learning” on 22nd December 2020. Presentations were respectively about sequence processing and optimization of machine learning algorithms by using signal processing techniques.

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