KIIT Faculty Delivers Talk on “Research, Innovation and Work-Life Balance”


Dr. Alivarani Mohapatra, Assistant Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University delivered a virtual talk at ‘International Women in Engineering Covid-19 Congress 2021’ organized by IEEE Bangladesh section. The theme of the talk was Research, Innovation and Work Life Balance. She briefly talked about career strategies for successful women to balance between work and family life. During her talk, she suggested a few points for work-life balance such as: (1) Know and Live your values (2) Discuss career plans with your life partner (3) Set Priorities and (4) Look for a flexible work option.

Delegates from different countries such as India, Canada, Bangladesh, Singapore, Malaysia, Srilanka, Thailand attended the conference.  The organizer of the conference, Dr Celia Shahnaz,Professor, Department of EEE, BUET appreciated the talk and thanked Dr. Mohapatra.

Dr. Mohapatra has more than 17 years of experience in teaching and research. She joined KIIT in 2009. Earlier she has been to Dumlupinar University, Turkey as a Visiting Professor under faculty exchange program. She has published 28 research papers which are indexed in SCI and Scopus. Her current Scopus H index is 10. She is a recognised reviewer of many journals of repute such as IEEE, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Wiley etc. Her research interests include modelling, analysis, and control of photovoltaic energy systems. She is an active member of IEEE, IE (I) and ISTE.

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