KIIT School of Computer Engineering Organizes Alumni Meet


An alumni meet, titled “Reunion of 2002 CSE Alumni”, was organized by KIIT School of Computer Engineering on 7th November 2021 in virtual mode. The event was attended by more than 40 participants belonging to 2002 CSE Alumni. Prof. Biswajit Sahoo, Director of School of Computer Engineering, Prof. Samaresh Mishra, Director of Student Affairs and Prof. Manoj Kumar Mishra addressed the alumni. 

It was followed by an interactive session coordinated by Prof. Ajay Parida, where the alumni reminisced about their time at KIIT. All the alumni were quite excited after getting connected with their Alma mater as well as with their classmates after a long gap of 20 years. They shared the memories of their journey at KIIT during the period 1998-2002. They felt proud to perceive the exponential growth of their Alma mater. They expressed gratitude to the Alma mater for achieving a successful life and great heights in their careers. They shared their professional achievements and also put forward a few suggestions on their contribution and partnership for excellence. They voluntarily expressed an interest in contributing to their Alma mater for the overall betterment of the School. The event ended with a word of thanks from Prof. Satarupa Mohanty.

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