KIIT School of Computer Engineering Organizes Lecture on “A Neural Matrix Factorization Approach”


Dr. Paramveer Dhillon, Assistant Professor in the School of Information with a courtesy appointment at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, USA delivered a lecture on “A Neural Matrix Factorization Approach” on 11th September 2021. The lecture, organized by the School of Computer Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University, enlightened and benefited Graduate and Master’s students, research scholars, and faculty members by giving them a basic knowledge of factorization approach and some recent overview on neural networks to predict and suggest future contents for promotion based on user’s interest. He further proposed the first “end to end” deep learning model for an important managerial problem by interpreting dynamic “profiles” as a mixture of user’s interest.

The session was kept interactive by efforts put by the speaker, students, and the host Prof. Jay Sarraf, Assistant Professor. It was coordinated by Dr. Dipak Kumar Mohanty, Assistant Professor, School of Computer Engineering.

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