School Level FDP-2021 Inaugurated at KIIT School of Civil Engineering


School of Civil Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University is organizing a five-day Faculty Development Program-2021 from 21st to 25th June 2021 through virtual mode. Speaking at the inaugural session, Prof. (Dr.) Sanjib Moulick, Dean, School of Civil Engineering welcomed the faculty members from KIIT and outside institutions as well as external and internal resource persons and provided a brief introduction on the objective and significance of the school level FDP-21. He also cited the passionate vision and hard work of Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS during his address.

Prof. Sananda Sarkar, Overall Coordinator of School level FDP-21 briefed about the two modules; viz. Statistical Analysis & Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis of Structures (FEAST). She also talked about the detailed schedule of the sessions and the resource persons who would be taking the sessions. Senior Professor, Prof. R. N. Subudhi, KSOM, KIIT, one of the resource persons for the SPSS session, talked briefly about the importance of statistics and SPSS software with respect to Civil Engineering. Likewise, Prof. T. J. Rajthilakh, VSSC/ISRO, one of the resource persons for FEAST software, explained the importance of software for designing structures in the Civil Engineering field. He also highlighted the importance of FEAST as a software in the engineering world.

The module-wise FDP sessions are being coordinated by Prof. Sunny Jaiswal, Dr. Malaya Mohanty, and Prof. Bhagyashree Panda. Dr. K. P. Samal proposed the vote of thanks at the inaugural session. About 80 participants attended the session. 

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