KIIT Faculty Delivers Expert Lecture at IIT Indore


Dr. Malaya Mohanty, Assistant Professor, KIIT School of Civil Engineering delivered a technical session in the six-day “Short Term Course on Advances in Transportation Infrastructure Engineering” organized by IIT Indore on 3rd May 2022.

The topic of the session was “Statistics of Traffic Flow Modelling”. Dr. Mohanty explained the utility of statistics and the types of traffic parameters that are modelled in the field of transportation engineering. He also described in brief about the different correlation values and regression models for different types of variables involved viz. continuous, nominal, or ordinal. Thereafter, he demonstrated live examples of step-by-step techniques on how to perform MLR and Logistic regression in IBM SPSS. He also explained the linear as well as non-linear regressions along with the input and concept of dummy variables for nominal and ordinal variables in MLR.

Post the session, there was discussion with the participants regarding the software and its utility. The session ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. Gourab Sil, Asst. Professor, IIT Indore and coordinator of STC program.

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