Kuora Talk Series 8: Alumni Talk at KIIT School of Biotechnology


KIIT School of Biotechnology (KSBT) organized talks by four illustrious alumni – Ms. Swagatika Dash, Mr. Soumitra Pathak, Mr. Subhodeep Saha and Dr. Tanmay Nayak – under ‘Kuora Talk Series’ on 10th January 2023. Ms. Dash is a continuing Ph.D. scholar in Germany, while Mr. Pathak and Mr. Saha are pursuing the Ph.D. in Japan and at NIT, Durgapur respectively. The speakers enlightened the current students with their knowledge and experience as PhD scholars.     

Interacting with the current students, Ms. Swagatika Dash, who is a 2015-20 batch alumni, said that her field of interest was microbiology and she successfully published a paper in 2017-18 in a prestigious internationally peer-reviewed Journal (3 Biotech) under the guidance of Dr. Snehasish Mishra, Faculty-in-Charge (Alumni), KSBT. It provided a fillip to her research career, she said, while narrating how she got into the Ph.D. course at the University of Osnabruck, Germany. She mentioned the DAAD Fellowship in Germany which funded positions that attract more students.

Mr. Soumitra Pathak, a 2015-20 batch alumni who is now a Ph.D. scholar at Hokkaido University, Japan, talked about the MEXT Scholarship Programme offered by The Embassy of Japan, India. Sharing his experience as a Research Scholar in Japan, he stated that proactive involvement in any job at hand could help one achieve one’s goals. Dr. Tanmay Nayak shared his experience as an MSc Applied Microbiology and Ph.D. (Environment Technology) student. He is presently working as Deputy Manager in a Hyderabad-based company that deals with antibodies.

Concluding the Kuora Talk Series 8, Dr. Snehasish Mishra emphasized the sense of belongingness with the Alma Mater, while summing up the most important points from the talks. Dr. Srinivas Patnaik, Dean, KSBT proposed the vote of thanks. The session was attended by students and faculty members of KSBT.  

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