KIIT School of Biotechnology Organizes Sixth Alumni Talk


A motivational and experience-sharing interaction with Mr. Sayantan Sinha, an alumnus of KIIT School of Biotechnology (KSBT), was organized by ‘Kuora’, the Alumni Activity Cell of the School, on 18th April 2022 in online mode. Mr. Sinha, a final-year PhD scholar at IIT Guwahati and recipient of the prestigious fellowship of the Linnean Society of London, was a student of the very first batch (2010-2015) of Integrated M.Tech programme at KSBT. The session, the sixth in the series, was hosted by Dr. Snehasish Mishra, Associate Professor, KSBT.

Mr Sinha shared an intensive and thought-provoking presentation on “Atman Bodhi” (soul’s realization), and how it has helped him in his journey as a student and a successful researcher. He explained the importance of virtues like persistence, concentration, alertness, balanced diet and lifestyle and the will to resist distractions. These practices made him a better person and helped him achieve greater goals, he explained. He also used references from Indian mythology, fables and shlokas to reiterate his ideas and related those to valuable life lessons. He urged the students to always challenge themselves and appealed that anything is attainable with determination. He ended the enlightening session by stating that apart from virtues, devotion for knowledge and respect for teachers (guru) make a student truly great and unstoppable.

After completing the Integrated BTech-MTech Dual Degree course in Biotechnology from KSBT, Mr. Sinha joined his Alma Mater as a teaching assistant at the School of Chemical Technology. He also worked as a technical personnel at the Indian Institute of Water Management (ICAR). Owing to his penchant to continue his career in research, he pursued PhD at IIT Guwahati. For the past five years, he has been working there on Nanochemistry and Chemical Biology.

The talk followed a short interactive session with Mr. Sinha where students exchanged interesting ideas. The meeting ended with a wrap-up and a note of thanks by the host.

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