KIIT R&D Director Selected as a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry


Prof. Gopal C. Kundu, Director (R&D), KIIT Deemed to be University (KIIT DU),  Professor, KIIT School of Biotechnology, and Professor, Medicine and Molecular Research, KIMS has recently been admitted to a prestigious Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), a professional society based in the United Kingdom for his outstanding contribution in the area of drug discovery and breast cancer research. This Society with over 55,000 members across the world is an internationally renowned not-for-profit publishing and knowledge business, and has a reputation as an influential champion for the Chemical Sciences.

Through the ‘Leaders in the Field’ scheme, the Society identifies outstanding individuals in the chemical science community. Fellows of the RSC have the opportunity to channel their expertise and commitment to promoting the value of chemistry and chemical biology, through the international framework of the Society. The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) was established in 1841. RSC partners with industry and academia, advises governments on policy, and promotes the talent, collaboration, innovation, information and ideas that lead to great advances in science. 

Prof. Kundu has also been elected as a Fellow of Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. He is Fellow of National Academy of Sciences and Indian Academy of Sciences. He is a recipient of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize, CSIR, Govt. of India, National Bioscience Award, DBT, Govt of India, International Young Investigator Award from Mayo Clinic Angiogenesis Conference, USA and International Award in Oncology for outstanding contribution in Oncology from Greece. He is Associate Editor of Molecular Cancer (IF: 41.44) and the only member from India. He serves as Editorial Board Member of Current Molecular Medicine, Current Chemical Biology, International Journal of Oncology, Molecular Medicine Reports, American Journal of Cancer Research, Frontiers in Medicine, World Academy of Sciences Journal, Frontiers in Cell & Development Biology: Cancer Biology and Associate Editor of Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment (JCMT).

Prof. Kundu has expressed his gratitude to Prof. (Dr.) Achyuta Samanta, Founder of KIIT and KISS; and Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Vice Chancellor of KIIT DU for their continuous support to the R&D of KIIT Deemed to be University.

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