Popular Talk Series on “Introduction to Astronomy” at KIIT School of Applied Sciences


The Department of Physics, in a new initiative, has arranged a series of lectures styled as popular talk. Prof. Alok Patnaik, Senior Professor, Dept. of Physics, KIIT School of Applied Sciences, delivered the first series of popular talk, themed “Introduction to Astronomy”. Prof. Patnaik discussed the basic process of formation of a star, from a cloud of gas and dust in a molecular cloud which collapses under gravity. Classification of stars and what we can learn from this was also discussed.

Prof. Patnaik got his Master degree from IIT Kharagpur & PhD from TIFR Mumbai. He has hopped around the globe sky gazing with the passion for understanding the universe. He has spent years in Europe & North America working extensively at Jodrell Bank Observatory (UK) and Max-Planck-Institut (Germany), extragalactic radio sources, gravitational lenses, etc. He has so far delivered lectures on “Time scales in astronomy”, “Birth of a star” and “Classification of stars“. 

These talks are scheduled every Monday in the evening with a very active student group and external guests attending it regularly.

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