Faculty Development Programme 2021 Concludes at KIIT School of Applied Sciences


As an annual event,  School of Applied Sciences organized Faculty Development Programme 2021 from 20 -26 June 2021 focusing on the niche area “Unifying Education Value Network and Appropriate Technology”, mapped with the University’s theme “Exploring self: A new paradigm in Education: Mapping of Professional Values for Excellence”. The six-day event featured twenty interactive sessions with bright minds invited from all around the globe and all walks of life.

The School-level programme took an impressive start with Mr. Devendra Mishra, Founder and Executive Director, Bio Safety Management Alliance, USA uplifting the spirit of the audience connecting the important and cohesive approach of both industry and academia for research and knowledge dissemination.

The concluding day was most exciting with Prof. Ashok Mahapatra, the well known Pediatric Neurosurgeon and the ex-Director of AIIMS, Bhubaneswar along with Prof. L. P. Singh, retired Professor of Physics from Utkal University speaking about the intricate connections of spiritualism and science with human and social wellbeing citing slokas and mantras.

All sessions were power packed with exchange of ideas and work-visions between natural scientists, medical doctors, International motivational speakers, Government Research bodies and stalwarts from many industries with an R & D bent.  It was a very enriching start to a new academic session, with new ideas to ponder in and nurture for the future.

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