Webinar on “Role of Nurses in management of Covid-19”


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences successfully organized the first online Webinar series to commemorate the 200th Birth Anniversary of Florence Nightingale from 11th – 13th May 2020. The Participants were Nursing professionals of KINS as well as Pradyumna Bal Memorial Hospital, KIMS.

The Theme for this Webinar was “Role of Nurses in management of Covid-19”.

The Topics for the Sessions were meticulously decided by Principal & Vice-Principal KINS.

There were approximately 250 virtual Participants including students of B.Sc. 3rd Year, B.Sc. 4th Year, GNM 2nd Year & GNM 3rd Year and staff of PBMH. The Webinar was inaugurated by  Prof. (Mrs) Amarita Lenka (Principal CON,KINS) on 11th May at 11:30 Am. The Introductory session on Covid-19 Pandemic was taken by Prof. (Mrs) Amarita Lenka,which was followed by a Session on Getting workplace ready for Covid-19 Clients by Assoc.Prof. Asokan. R.

The last Session was taken by Mr. Chandan Pradhan on Various roles of Nurses during Covid-19 Pandemic.

Mrs.Rashmi Ranjita Pahi also supported us to conduct the Sessions.

On 12th May the Sessions were preceded by lighting of the lamp on the eve of International Nurses Day & paying homage to the Founder of Modern Nursing: Florence Nightingale.

This year’s Theme for International Nurses Day was “Nurses : A Voice to Lead-Nursing the World to Health”.

The first Session was taken by Prof. Niyati Das, Vice Principal KINS on the topic, Management of infants born to mothers with Covid-19 clients followed by Mrs. Kalyani Rath, Assoc. Prof. KINS on Maternal health care management during the outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic.

On 13th May there were two virtual sessions.

First one was taken by Asst.(Prof) Mrs.Purnima Sahoo on Breast feeding during this crisis followed by Asst.(Prof)Mrs.Soumya Sonalika on Social Stigma with Covid-19 Pandemic. Mrs. Niharibala Nayak  (Tutor, KINS) took a session on Sexual & reproductive health and Women’s rights during this Pandemic. The last session was taken by Asst.(Prof)Mrs.Trupti Rekha Swain on Supplementary & complementary therapies in prevention of Covid-19. 

On behalf of the KINS family, Vote of Thanks was proposed by Mrs. Niharibala Nayak and the Webinar came to an end.

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