Understanding Swine flu and its Prevention


Keeping in mind the current burning public Health problem in Odisha & around the globe a one day seminar was organized by the Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing & Child Health Nursing department of KINS on the topic “Understanding Swine flu & its prevention”. The seminar was held at KIDS auditorium on 9th Aug 2017 from 2 pm to 5 pm.

All Faculties of KINS were present during the seminar. A total of 230 students comprising of 1st year M.Sc. (N), 1st year B.Sc. (N), 4th year B.sc. (N) students along with 3rd year &1st year GNM students participated in the seminar. The program was inaugurated by Prof (Mrs.) Amrita Lenka, principal, KINS by lighting the lamp followed by welcome address and unfolding of the theme. The chief guest of the program was Mr. Satyabrat Das Director of documentation & publications department KIIT.

1st session started with Introduction about Swine flu by Mr.R Asokan (Asso. Prof.KINS) regarding history, facts and definition of Swine flu. Next session was continued by Mr. Chandan Pradhan on the epidemiology, etiological factors, risk factors, transmission and classification of the disease followed by Mrs. Minati Das regarding Clinical manifestation and Diagnosis of Swine flu.

After tea break the 4th session was started by Ms. Rashmita Sethy regarding the treatment of Swine flu followed by the last session of the seminar by Mrs. S. Bhaktiswarupa about complication, prevention & home remedies of the disease. The seminar was very effective in enriching the knowledge of participants. At last the vote of thanks was given by Ms. Rashmita Sethy Tutor KINS.

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