Atwo day seminar programme was organized by faculty of KINS on 05th & 23rd          December 2014at B.Sc.(N) I year class room, the topic is “Research Methodology”. The Programme was inaugurated with lighting the lamp by Prof.AmritaLenka, Principal, CON, KINS. After lighting the lamp, a brief welcome speech was delivered by Prof.AmritaLenka, Principal, CON, KINS. There were around 80 participants in the seminar programme. B.Sc Nursing 4th year, GNM 3rd year students, and Nursing faculties from college of Nursing, KINS participated in the programme. The first scientific session was delivered by Mrs.Deepa.M.R, Professor, KINs under topic the “Steps in Research Process” followed by second scientific session was presented by Mrs.Niyati Das, Professor, KINs topic on “Conceptual Framework”. The third scientific session was delivered by Mr.Chandan Pradhan, Lecturer, KINs topic on “Quantitave Research design” and Last scientific session on first day was presentedby Mr.Asokan.R, Asst. Professor, KINs topic on “Qualitative Research Design”.
The Second day first scientific session was presented by Mrs.MaliniDigal, Lecturer, KINs topic on “Non-Experimental Research Design” followed by second scientific session was delivered by Mr.S.Merridith, Lecturer, KINs topic on “Data collection Methods” and last scientific session was presented by Mrs.Minati Das, Clinical Instructor, KINs topic on “Writing the Research Report” The pretest and posttest was administered before and after the programme. The two days Seminar session was concluded with vote of thanks

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