One Day Symposium on “Improvement of Maternal and New Born Care’’


One Day Symposium on the theme “Improvement of Maternal and New Born Care’’ was organized by “Society of Midwifery India (SOMI) in association with SOMI Odisha chapter and Himalaya at KINS, KIIT Deemed to be University, BBSR on  30th October, 2018.

The Symposium was inaugurated by the dignitaries Prof. (Mrs.)  Amarita Lenka, Principal KINS, KIIT deemed to be University and Secretary, SOMI Odisha Chapter; Dr. M. Prakasamma Founder, Academy for Nursing Research and Women Empowerment and Research Studies(ANSWERS) and Founder of SOMI; Prof. Mitali Adhikari, President SOMI and Mrs. Mamata Nayak, Secretary of ANMs Association, Odisha.

At the outset, Mrs. Mamata Nayak, President ANMs Association delivered warm welcome address to the audience. Dr. M. Prakasamma Founder, ANSWERS and General Secretary of SOMI delivered her talk regarding the ‘Role of ANMs in Public Health’. She highlighted the role of nurses and health visitors to provide care to the vulnerable mothers at the grass-root level.

Prof. (Mrs.) Niyati Das, Vice Principal, KINS, KIIT Deemed to be University delivered her talk on the  role of SOMI in improving maternal and new born health. She emphasized on skilled care before, during and after the delivery of a baby.

Dr. Nirmal Mahakud , Associate Professor of Department of Pediatrics, PBMH, KIMS discussed about the new born assessment and resuscitation. He highlighted the key points about how to prevent the birth asphyxia. The session was followed by the demonstration of new born resuscitation by Dr. Diptirekha Satpathy,  Department  of Pediatrics, PBMH, KIMS.

During the  Post Lunch Session, Prof. Kalyani Kala, Department of O&G, KINS  discussed about the various points for recognition of high risk mother and babies. Assistant Professor  Purnima Sahoo, Department of Pediatrics, KINS highlighted the importance of Mother and Baby bonding and home based new born care.

During the Valedictory Session, the team Himalaya presented various products of Himalaya to the delegates. The certificates were distributed by the dignitaries to all the participants. Finally the programme was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Assistant Professor Soumya Sonalika, Department of CHN, Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences.

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