Nurses Served as Heroes during Covid pandemic; Remember KIMS Doctors on International Nursing Day


Noted physician and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of KIMS Prof Dr CBK Mohanty on Thursday lauded the “heroic” role played by the nurses during the Covid pandemic and encouraged students to build on their skills sets and tap on the expected 43-lakh job opening for them by 2024. He inspired the nursing students to set an example for the rest with their steadfast commitment to the profession, dedication, sympathy and compassion.

Addressing the students at an event organized by the Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS), a KIIT Constituent, to commemorate International Nurses Day, Dr Mohanty said nursing is a noble profession, a profession where the nurses are a patient’s constant companion and instill hope and confidence in them.

“Nursing is to nourish; to take care and to serve. To serve without expectations is akin to motherly care. It is a relationship of confidence and this confidence brings confidence in the minds of patients,” Dr Mohanty said. “Nurses were heroes during the Covid pandemic and worked like angels during epidemics and disasters. They are the beacon of hope and compassion,” he underlined.

Maj Gen DG Dr P K Patnaik of the School of Medicine asked the nursing students to develop their skill sets on the ground as these traits will help them earn the dependence of the seniors. “You are entering a new phase in your life and this is a worthy and pious profession. Your commitment and dedication to the profession will take you ahead in life,” he said and alluded to studies saying that by 2024 India will be requiring 43 lakh trained nurses. He also underscored the need to find an Indian icon from the nursing profession who can be an inspiration for lakhs of nurses in the country.

The International Nursing Day is celebrated in the memory of Florence Nightingale, hailed as the founder of modern nursing. In all, 138 students took the oath before her portrait to commit themselves and their best to the profession. Former principal of the College of Nursing, Cancer Hill Hospital, Gwalior Prof Renuka Das elucidated on the critical role played by nurses in handling patients with care, saying the service requires 24 hours of dedication and sincerity.

Nursing Superintendent PBHM, KIMS Col Susamma Sahu called upon the students to utilize the facilities at KINS to the best of their abilities. She said knowledge and skills are key attributes for a nurse to save the patients.

Principal of KINS Prof Dr Niyati Das harped on the need to invest in the future of the nursing students to strengthen the healthcare system across the world, referring to a WHO study that highlighted the shortage of 27 million nurses worldwide.

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