National Safe Motherhood Day at KINS: Experts Call For Reducing Unnecessary Cesarean Section


The Department of Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing, Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS), a constituent under KIIT-DU, in association with Society of Medical Innovation (SOMI) Odisha Chapter, observed National Safe Motherhood Day on April 11 at Urban Health Training Center (UHTC), Niladri Vihar and Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences (KIDS) auditorium with the theme “Promote Women-Centered Care and Reduce Unnecessary C-section.’’

Safe Motherhood Day is observed every year on April 11 to raise awareness about the need for maternal healthcare services and the importance of ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth experience for women.

The first event of the day was a socio-drama, performed by GNM 3rd year students at UHTC Niladri Vihar. The students enacted the challenges faced by pregnant women during childbirth and portrayed various scenarios related to the experience of childbirth. In the play they emphasized the promotion of vaginal delivery in comparison to cesarean section (C-section). The role play was well-received by the audience, and it provided a practical demonstration of the challenges faced by pregnant women during normal vaginal delivery , and the use of audio-visual aids added an extra dimension to the performance, making it more impactful.

In the afternoon session, the programme was inaugurated by dignitaries with a lamp lighting ceremony. Dr Niyati Das, Principal, KINS delivered the welcome address as she stressed to promote awareness of the need for women’s right to health care services and emphasized to reduce unnecessary C-sections.

Thereafter, introduction to the theme was addressed by Prof Kalyani Rath, Vice-Principal and HoD, O&G Nursing, KINS, regarding the significance and benefit of normal vaginal delivery followed by a speech by Prof. Amrita Lenka, Secretary of SOMI Odisha chapter, who motivated the audience by sharing her own experience about normal vaginal delivery.

A panel discussion was carried out by the post-graduate students of KINS, in which the panelists shared their experiences and perspectives regarding ensuring women safety and decision making to reduce unnecessary C-sections.

At the end of the discussion the participants had an opportunity to ask questions and clarify their doubts. A skit on the theme was enacted by B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year students in which the performers used various gestures and facial expressions to depict different scenarios related to pregnancy and childbirth, highlighting the need for women-centered care and reducing unnecessary C-sections, thus it provided a creative and entertaining way of conveying an important message.

The program ended with a vote of thanks proposed by Susmita Dey,Tutor, KINS. She expressed appreciation for the efforts of every member of the organizing committee Elina Jena and  Bishnupriya Lenka, Tutors, KINS for participating in the event and raising awareness about safe motherhood. The programme was anchored by Rojalin Dash, Assistant Professor, KINS.

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