KINS Organizes Webinar on “Childhood Psychiatric Disorders”


A webinar on “Child Psychiatric Disorders” was inaugurated at Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) by Dr. (Prof.) Niyati Das, Principal on 2nd May 2022. Speaking at the webinar, Dr. Rajalaxmi, Professor, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, CON, NIMHANS presented a talk on “Update in child welfare services related to child psychiatric disorders”. Her talk focused on District Disability Rehabilitation Centre (DDRC), different NGOs in the field, health insurance schemes for psychiatric disorders and NIMHANS Center for Wellbeing.

Dr. Jigyansa Pattnaik, Asst. Professor, Department of Psychiatry discussed “Disorders of Attention and Hyperactive Behaviour” by citing examples of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), its epidemiology, progression, association, differential diagnosis and treatment modalities. Dr. V. Sivasankari, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatric Nursing spoke on “Determinants predicting adolescent’s anxiety, aggression and its prevention”. His talk emphasized determinants, treatment modalities, and strategies for the prevention of anxiety.

Each talk was followed by an interactive session. The webinar was attended by around 150 nursing students and staff of KINS. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Rashmi Ranjita Parhi, Tutor, KINS.

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