KINS Organizes Lecture on “Autism Spectrum Disorders” “Autism is not a disability, it’s a different ability”


The 11th lecture under the Guest Lecture Series was organized by Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) virtually on “Autism Spectrum Disorders” on 28th April 2022. Delivering the lecture, Dr. Sunil Kumaar Agarwalla, Prof Pediatrics, SVPPGIP, Cuttack described the disorder, its causes, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment. He highlighted the role of nurses and explained how the nurses can help in early diagnosis of ASD and also help patients to go for an early intervention. The lecture was attended by the faculty members and students of KINS. Dr. Agarwalla also answered questions from the participants. Dr. Niyati Das, Principal, KINS and Mrs. Purnima Sahoo, Assistant Professor also spoke on the occasion.

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