KINS Organizes Journal Club Presentation


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) organized a Journal Club presentation on 6th August 2021 on virtual platform. The journal club presentation is a regular gathering of scholars to discuss a scientific paper found in a research journal and then the summary of the chosen paper is presented by the group.

The first paper was presented by Ms. Susmita Dey, M.Sc(N) 2nd year student on “Outcome in multifocal pregnancy: A cohort study.” The second presentation was on “The Risk of Micro Aspiration during Oral Care in Mechanically Ventilated Patients – A Randomized Cross-Over Study Comparing Two Different Suction Protocol”, presented by Ms. Anusikta Panda. The last presenter, Ms. Bishnupriya Lenka presented a study on “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2(SARS CoV-2) vaccination in pregnancy, measures of immunity and Placental Histopathology”. The selected papers were chosen from reputed journals. After each session experts offered their criticism and the presenter also explained the strong and weak points of the study.

The program was attended by 30 participants including all the faculty members of KINS and postgraduate nursing students. 

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