KINS Organizes Guest Lecture on “Mixed Method Research”


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) organized a guest lecture (Series – 13) on 22th July 2022 on “Mixed Method Research”. Delivering the lecture, Dr. Sunita Panda, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin, University College Cork, Ireland highlighted on paradigms and philosophical underpinnings, importance of mixed method research and rationale behind key decisions for a mixed method design. She shared her own experience and challenges faced while conducting mixed method research. The discussion moved around different types of mixed method design, i.e. Concurrent convergent design, sequential explanatory design, sequential exploratory design, embedded (nested) design and multiphase design.The faculties of KINS, M.Sc. nursing 1styear and 2ndyear and B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year students enthusiastically participated in the session. 

Her lecture immensely benefited the budding nursing researchers and paved a new insight to adopt a mixed method to have both quantitative and qualitative data in a single study. She took all the queries and gave satisfactory answers to the audience questions. Dr. Niyati Das, Principal, KINS; Prof. Kalyani Rath, Vice-principal and Mrs Sanjukta Dixit, Asst Prof. Also spoke on the occasion.

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