KINS Observes World Suicide Prevention Day


Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS), a constituent of KIIT-DU, observed World Suicide Prevention Day on September, 9 at Psychiatric Ward of Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) with the theme for the year “Creating hope through action”.

World Suicide Prevention Day is observed annually to raise awareness on prevention of suicide throughout the globe. The event started with a note on importance of celebrating the day and the theme of the year by third-year B.Sc (Nursing) students. Then the programme was extended to an outstanding role play on “Suicidal prevention day Strategies” by the third-year students of BSc Nursing, which was about to take a crucial role on creating awareness and disseminate useful information on preventive measures, warning signs, role of support systems of preventing suicide among psychiatric patients and their care givers, who were admitted in the wards of KIMS, Bhubaneswar.

The students put forth messages that people with stress should have thought about their life’s value as the first priority for self and not to set value of self by the judgment of others. Around 90 participants (patients, family members, students and staff) attended the programme.

Next to this, poster presentation was done by B.Sc. (Nursing) third-year students to improve the knowledge of the public on causes of suicide and supportive system for prevention of suicide, and value for one’s own life.

The programme ended with the speech about importance of suicide-free society, familial support as well as creating hope within a person to live his or her life, even though it has ups and downs.

The observance was very effective and enriched with knowledge, awareness and really a fruitful one as the patients and their family members also got encaged enthusiastically in it.

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