CSST Training


ThreedaysDAKSHATA “skills standardized Training programme” was Organized by jhpiego  in association with  Kalinga  institute of Nursing Sciences from 19th june – 21st june 2017.Total 16 participants were participated from different Institutions i.e. Viswas college of Nursing BBSR, Ramadevi school of Nursing kendrapada,kalinga school of Nursing BBSR and Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences BBSR.

On first dayThe training Programmewas  Inaugurated at 9am by Prof.S.K Rath, HOD Dept. of O&G and Prof. (Mrs) Amrita Lenka, Principal, KINS, KIIT. welcome speech was delivered  by Prof  (Mrs) Amrita Lenka, Principal, KINS who high-lighted in updating the knowledge with evidence based practice.

The Programme started with Pre-Training Knowledge assessmentand  OSCE by the resourceperson Mrs Annie Priscilla, Programme Coordinatorjhpiego which is followed by the discussion on “Importance of ensuring quality care in Labour room and current practices in client Management in Labour Room”.
“Triaging based on  history,examination and decision for level of care”was discussed in post lunch session. The first day training was completed at 5.30pm with review of the day’s activities.

On second day  the training Programme sharply  started at 9am with recap of first day activities. The first session started with discussion on Plotting of Partograph for monitoring labour. The second session started with the topic “essential practices before, during and after delivery”, Which  was very interactive and informative for the participants.. At 6pm the training completed with summary and review of the day’s activities.

On Third day the training programme started at  9am with Recap of day-1 and 2 with review of partograph exercise by participants. The next session started with  the discussion on “essential practices at the time of discharge”  which focused on thermal management, exclusive breast feeding, infection prevention, post-partum family planning counselling and discharge counselling on danger signs. The post lunch session started with“creating a quality enabling environment in labour rooms” which emphasized on organization of labour room as per GOI guidelines.post-training knowledge and practice of participants were assessed by questionnaire and OSCE.various group activities, interactive presentation  and demonstration of skill practice were undertaken by the participants during three days training programme. The training programme was highly skill based. Training  programmewas completed at 6pm with learners feed back of training.

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