Celebration of International Midwives’ Day


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences, KIIT celebratedInternational Midwives’Dayon 5th May 2017on the theme“Midwives,Mothers and Families: partners for life”. Which was organized by of Departmentof O&G Nursing and Pediatric Nursing KINS, KIIT.
The Programme was started by Mrs. Annie Priscilla, Programme officer, Jphiego and with the training of  Faculties of KINS on different skill I,e plotting of Partograph,Active management of 3rd stage of labor and Neonatal Resuscitation.

The Formal inauguration was held at 12 Noon by lighting the lampby respected dignitaries. Welcome address was givenby  Prof. (Mrs) Amrita Lenka, Principal KINS which was followed by Key note address given byMrs.SuchismitaSahoo,Asst  Professor, KINS.Prof. Jyotin Kumar Dash, Principal KIMSshared his personal experiences and the importance of Midwives in Managing critical situation. (MajorGen)Dr.P.K Pattnaik, Medical Superintendent, PBMH emphasized on development of midwifery practice on his talk.Prof(Dr.) S.K Rath, HOD of O&G  highlighted the contribution of Midwives in reducing MMR & IMR.Mrs SusamaSahu, Nursing Superintendent shared the existingpractices of midwifery in India.Finally Vote of thanks was Proposed  by Prof.(Mrs.) Niyati Das, Vice Principal, KINS, KIIT.

Post lunchscientific session was started at 3.30pm with skill stations for the 3rd year B.Sc(N) and GNM  students .The first skill station“Plotting of Partograph” was demonstrated by Mrs. AnusuyaBehera, Tutor, KINS, second skill stations on “Active Management of third stage of labor” was demonstrated byMrs. PramilaBaxla, Asst.Prof, KINS. The third skill station on “Neonatal Resuscitation” was demonstrated by Ms. Purnima Sahoo, Asst. Prof,KINS .The students were divided in groups(20 students in each) observed various skill stations.The Programme was concluded at 5pm with thanks to all.

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