Celebration of Breast Feeding Week


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences, celebrated“World breastfeeding week”-2017from 1st-7th Augonthe theme “Sustaining Breast feeding together” organized by the faculties and students  of KINS.
On 2st Aug a role play was enactedby 3rdyr GNM Studentsat O&G ward, PBMH, KIMSto create awareness among mothers regarding the benefits of breast feeding.
On 3rdAug theme based seminar was organised by 1st year M.Sc. (N) Students of KINS on the Topic “Sustaining Breast feeding together”at KIMS auditorium. The programme was inaugurated by Prof.(Mrs) Amrita Lenka, principal, KINS by lighting the lamp followed by welcome address and unfolding of the theme.Then the students highlighted as the different aspects of the theme.

The seminar was divided into two sessions: morning & evening sessions. A total of ten speakers from the Msc 1st year batch presented their topics on the following sub topics in support of World breast feeding week 2017:

  • Introduction
  • anatomy and physiology of breast
  • Review of themes
  • Nutrition, food security and poverty reduction
  • Survival health and well being
  •  Environment and climatic change.
  • Women productivity and employment
  • Warm chain support of  breast feeding
  • Summarization &conclusion

There was Question answer session also for the participants. Faculty & students of KINS attended the whole day programme. Seminar was very effective in enriching the knowledge of participants. At last vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Ipsita Bagchi.

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