KSCE Celebrates 3rd Foundation Day


KIIT School of Commerce & Economics (KSCE) celebrated its 3rd Foundation Day on 17th July 2021. Prof. K. K. Basa, Vice Chancellor, Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University, Baripada graced the program as the Chief Guest and delivered the Foundation Day Lecture. Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Pro Vice Chancellor, KIIT-DU, under whose leadership KSCE was established in the year 2019, graced the occasion and commended the exceptional achievements of the School in a short span of time. Prof. Jayanta Kumar Parida, Director, KSCE appreciated the efforts of the faculty members and staff of the School in making it popular among students and Commerce Education fraternity. The program was followed by cultural events by students via online mode.

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