Online Academic Audit (2020-21) Held at KIIT School of Mass Communication


Online Academic Audit (2020-21) for different programs at the School of Mass Communication, KIIT-DU was organized on 22nd July, 2021. The purpose of the academic audit was to ensure qualitative measures for Online Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation followed at the School. The expert, Professor Biswajit Das, Founding Director of Centre for Culture, Media & Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi was welcomed by Prof. Himasu Sekhar Khatua, CEO, School of Mass Communication.

Professor Das would be the permanent advisor to the School, Prof. Khatua announced. Dr. Bidu Bhusan Dash, Course Coordinator, School of Mass Communication introduced the School and its courses to the auditor. Prof. Das advised on internship mapping and outcomes in five years and stressed on the need for research outcomes in all papers. He also made constructive suggestions for modular course structure and pyramid style department functioning.

Professor Biswajit Das also mooted academic collaboration for common programmes with exchange of course materials and classes among the Schools. He advised the nomenclature of Statistics of Journalism: MJ 4006 to change Data Journalism.

Assistant Professor Ms. Ruby Nanda coordinated the interaction with students and alumni as stakeholders. The interaction was very fruitful with students saying they had adjusted to the online classes. Students said that they were provided with all material and online resources by their teachers. The students shared their experiences with the expert during their stay at KIIT-DU. Dr. Anurag, faculty-in-charge of quality assurance assisted in compiling data. The session ended with a final audit report compilation.

Mass Comm Audit KIIT
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