KIIT Faculty Joins as Keynote Speaker in Webinar on ‘Development Journalism in South Asia’


Dr. Bidu Bhusan Dash, Assistant Professor & Course Coordinator, School of Mass Communication, KIIT Deemed to be University joined as a keynote speaker at a Webinar on Development Journalism in South Asia, organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in collaboration with the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Port City International University, Chittagong, Bangladesh on 12th April 2021.

Dr. Dash delivered the keynote speech on ‘Development Journalism in South Asia: The Historical Trajectory’. He spoke on how Development Journalism as a sub-discipline has emerged from Asia and how South Asia is a fertile ground for practicing, researching and teaching Development Journalism.

The Webinar was chaired by Ms. Dilruba Akter, Head, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Port City International University and moderated by Mr. Jewel Das from the same Department. The talk was highly appreciated by Dr. Mohammad Sahid Ullah, Professor, Department of Communication and Journalism, University of Chittagong.  Students and faculty members from Port City International University, University of Chittagong, KIIT Deemed University and others joined the Webinar.

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