Webinar on ‘IP Backed Financing – Prospects and Challenges’


The KIIT School of Law, through its Centre for Intellectual Property Studies, conducted a Webinar on “IP Backed Financing – Prospects and Challenges” on 3rd April 2021. The Resource Persons for the Webinar were Prof. Dr. Raj S Davé, President, Davé Law Group LLC, Virginia, USA; Mr. Chandran Iyer, Co-Founder & Partner, Daignault-Iyer LLP, Washington DC, USA; and Prof. Dr. V. K. Unni, Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. Prof. Dr. Bhavani Prasad Panda, Director, KIIT School of Law, moderated the session, while Prof. Sudipta De Sarkar coordinated it.

The resource persons, through real-time case-studies and anecdotes, explained and discussed the various facets of this emerging field, where investment in intellectual property assets are sought to be monetized and exploited for securing credit from financial institutions. They reminisced about their personal experiences in handling such cases across the world. The financial prospects of patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc. were thoroughly analyzed through a free-flowing conversation and interaction among the panellists.

Faculties and students of the School actively participated in the webinar and the discussion. It concluded with a commitment to pursue further research to develop a roadmap suitable for the Indian scenario.

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