KSOL Organizes International Webinar on “Rethinking and Transforming Public Policy: The Challenges of Ethics, Aesthetics & Responsibility”


The Department of Social Sciences and Humanities (DSSH), KIIT School of Law, in association with Vishwaneedam Center for Asian Blossoming, Puducherry and Chennai, organized an International Webinar on “Rethinking and Transforming Public Policy: The Challenges of Ethics, Aesthetics and Responsibility” on 7th May, 2021. The webinar was organized by the Faculty Convener Prof. (Dr.) Sanghamitra Patnaik, Associate Professor & Head, DSSH under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) Bhavani Prasad Panda, Director, KIIT School of Law and Prof. (Dr.) Ananta Kumar Giri, Professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS),

In his welcome address, Prof. Panda underscored the importance of the topic and highlighted the role of public policy in the governance process. Introducing the theme of the webinar, Prof. Giri emphasized the philosophical thought of public policy and tried to connect with contemporary public policy management.

At the Inaugural Session, the key speaker Prof. John Robert Clammer, Professor, Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, O.P. Jindal Global University/Kyoto University spoke on “Aesthetics and/as Policy: Cultural Rights and the Quality of the Public Environment”, while Mr. Carlos Alvarez Pereira, The Club of Rome, Member-Advisory Boards of UNESCO Chair of Global Understanding for Sustainability, University of Jena, Germany discussed the topic, “A Relational Approach to Political Economy and  Public Policy: Making Sense of what we know, towards a Society of Living”.

Prof. (Dr.) Gianluigi Segalerba, University of Vienna, Austria emphasized the need of a new model public policy that consists in the uncovering of particular forms of deception strategies present in the political and social scene, while Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Sharma, Professor, Indus Business Academy gave importance on harmonic globalization and public policy. Prof. R. Sudarshan, Professor and Dean, Executive Director, Centre for Global Governance and Policy, O.P. Jindal Global University delivered the chairman’s address at the session. He focused on four fundamental forces, i.e. Force of Market, Force of State, Force of People and Force of Self. He further said, while the idea of globalization was centered on force of market and force of State, the idea of harmonic globalization seeks a balance between these four forces. 

At the second session, four speakers from abroad and India highlighted various issues and perspectives on public policy challenges. Professor Marcus Bussey, Senior Lecturer in History and Futures Studies, School of Law and Society, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia discussed the topic “Rethinking and Transforming Public Policy; Professor Meera Chakraborty, Professor, Jain University spoke on “India Public Sphere and Public Policies”; Professor Janine Joyce, Associate Professor, College of Health and Human Sciences, Charles Darwin University, Australia discussed COVID-19 and the Challenges of Creative Policy Making; and Mr. Raghava Krishna, Co-Founder, Associate Dean- Academics, Rashtram critically analyzed the role of “Public Policy and Global Responsibility: COVID-19 – Climate Change and the Anthropocene. Mr. Randhir Kumar Gautam, Vishwaneedam Center for Asian Blossoming and Raffles University, Neemrana chaired and moderated the session.

Five speakers from abroad and India shared their thoughts on the important areas of public policy, such as health and mental health, food, employment, grassroots development and people’s participation, and humanitarian aid, at the third session. Dr. Anusnigdha, Assistant Professor, Krea University discussed the topic “Public Policies, Health and Mental Health: Considerations of Rights, Justice, and Responsibilities from a Psychological Perspective”; Professor Mala Kapadia, Professor, Director of Wellness Practice and Resident Mentor at Rashtram enlightened the audience on the topic “Conquest of Sense as the Foundation of Nation”; Mr. Vivek Babu Girija, Research Fellow, MSSRF and Dr. Anil Kumar, Senior Director focused on the topic “Rethinking Public Policy in Smallholder dominated Global Food Systems: Lessons and Vision from Evergreen Revolution of Prof. M.S. Swaminathan”; Professor Jos Chatukulamm, Director, Centre for Rural Management, Kerala discussed “Public Policy for an Urban Wage Employment Guarantee Scheme: The Case of Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme (AUEGS) in Kerala”. Professor G. Palanithurai, Former Professor, The Gandhigram Rural Institute spoke on “Transformative Leadership for Grassroots Development: Ethics, Aesthetics and Responsibility” and Dr. Sabith Khan, Director and Assistant Professor Public Policy and Administration, California Lutheran University, USA highlighted the topic “Rethinking Humanitarian Aid: A Call for Creative Thinking in Aid Policy”. Professor Sanghamitra Patnaik chaired and moderated the third session.

At the valedictory session, Professor Jeffrey Haynes, Emeritus Professor of Politics at London Metropolitan University discussed the topic “Muslims at the United Nations: Ethical and Political Issues”. His deliberation highlighted the role of United Nations in dealing with terrorism and political issues. Sushri Sangeeta Mishra, Mintati Pradhan and Sandhya Rani Giri recited poems for the gathering at the session. Professor Anand Kumar, Former Professor, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Former-President, Indian Sociological Society moderated the valedictory session. He highlighted the global discourse of hostility, world systems and civilizational dynamics and genealogy. At the end of this session, Dr. Ramesh Chandra Sethi, Assistant Professor, School of Law, Member of the Webinar Organizing Committee highlighted key-takeaways of the webinar.

In concluding remarks, Professor Ananta Kumar Giri, Professor, Madras Institute of Development Studies shared the issues and challenges of public policy, pedagogy of public policy. He explained how public policy can be realized as the way of life. Finally, Ms. Jinia Kundu, Assistant Professor, School of Law and Member of the Webinar Organizing Committee appreciated all the esteemed dignitaries from abroad and India and extended the vote of thanks. More than 100 students and scholars across India and abroad participated at this International Webinar.  

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