KIIT School Of Law Organizes Mono-Acting Competition


The Literati, literary and cultural society of KIIT School of Law (KSOL), organized a Mono-Acting Competition on 17th April 2021. This event was judged by Prof. Dr. Tripura Mishra, notable veteran Odia actress and Vice Principal of Kalinga School of Social Sciences (KISS) and Assistant Prof. Bineet Kedia, KIIT School of Law (KSOL), who has been part of various theatre events and casted in short movies in KSOL.

The competition, conducted in collaboration with KISS, was participated by students from KSOL as well as KISS. The enthusiasm of the students was greatly reflected in their performances as students performed a variety of acts. Faculties from KISS and KSOL were also present at the event.

The event was hosted by members of the Literati. The opening remarks was given by Divyanshu Mishra (1st Year), followed by an impromptu mono-act by Areeb Ahsan (4th Year), who is the Co-convenor of Kaladhika Society (Theatre Society of KSOL) and Treasurer of the Literati. Anish Mahapatra (4th Year), Convenor, the Literati and Pratyush Mishra (4th Year), Co-convenor were the event moderators.

Several students from KSOL and KISS performed acts in front of their laptops and mobile phones live on diverse topics such as Awareness against smoking and alcohol, ‘Natia Comedy’, Lifting the veil behind the screen to name a few. Some members of the Literati society performed stand-up comedy and mono-acts.

The first prize was shared by Samayeta Bal (2nd Year KSOL) and Pravakar Pidikaka (KISS), while the second prize winner was Ananta Agara. The third prize was bagged by Gitanjali Muthika of KISS.

The event was concluded with words of encouragement from Dr. Bhabani Prasad Panda, Director, KSOL and Prof. Dr. Tripura Mishra. The vote of thanks was proposed by Nabila Rahman (1st Year), member of the Literati. The competition was coordinated by Assistant Professor Binita Behera and Assistant Professor Chinmayee Nanda, KSOL, who are the faculty coordinators of the Literati under the guidance of Dr. Bhabani Prasad Panda. 

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