KSOM Professor Speaks on Biological Warfare


Prof. Dr. Biswajit Das delivered a talk on 22nd February 2022 on his book “Biological Warfare’: A spine chilling story of Corona, the Killer” at the National Management Week celebration at B-School Forum of Odisha Private Management College Association.  In commemorating the day, Prof. Gautam Mohanty, President of the Forum and Prof. Shree Kumar, Director Research, RIMS, Rourkela welcomed the speaker. The webinar was attended by many delegates from Odisha, India and abroad, who discussed the debatable topic of ‘Biological warfare’. This unique book has been co-authored by Dr. Biswajit Das and Miss Divyashree Das and is available at Amazon.

Dr. Biswajit Das explained the issues of biological warfare or bacteria and germ warfare, and its stealthy dastardly attacks to destroy humanity and economy. He explained the dangerous pandemic effect of the Covid-19 in reference to China’s biotechnological SL – 4 lab leakage at Wuhan’s Institute of Virology. Dr. Das narrated each of the nine Chapters introducing the book at the outset. Many students, professors and industrialists participated in the National Webinar which was followed by a question – answer session. The talk ended with a vote of thanks.

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