KSOM Organizes 13th National HR Konclave on “The Re-skilling Revolution: The Vector of Transformation”


KIIT School of Management (KSOM) organized its 13th National HR Konclave on 24th September 2022. The conclave focused on reskilling the ecosystem required in a dynamic workplace scenario that the VUCA world demands. Delivering the keynote address, Mr. Rakesh Barik, Managing Director & Leader, Consulting Services, Deloitte India emphasized why change is important and how we have to adapt by being agile and taking on future challenges. He spoke about the digital generation and how companies need their human capital to be well equipped to tackle the revolution.

Change and challenge could be changed into an opportunity, only if one knows how to reskill appropriately, said Dr. Saranjit Singh, Pro Vice-Chancellor, KIIT-DU. Extending a warm welcome to the delegates on behalf of Dr. Achutya Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS, Dr. Saroj Mahapatra, Director, KSOM & Konclave Chair threw light on the gap between the skills existing, and those needed in the professional world, and the importance of up-skilling in a constantly changing workplace

The inaugural session was followed by two panel discussions. The first panel discussion was on the topic – Reinventing HR Processes for Accelerating Change in the Post-covid Era. The panel discussed the psychological factors, specifically empathy and compassion, to be understood to create an effective team so as to combat these challenges. The panel concurred that it is imperative that the organization focus on the 3 Ps: Purpose, People, and Performance. It also stressed the importance of providing for employee necessities in times of uncertainty which ultimately benefits the organization in the long run.

The second panel discussion was on the topic – The Rise of Augmented Intelligence and Hybrid Workplace. The panel discussed the truth of human dependence on robots and AI-augmented machines after the outbreak of the pandemic, and how man and machine are working hand in hand, to meet customer demands for faster delivery of services. The panelists talked about how talent is managed, acquired, engaged, connected and retained in a hybrid workplace. Though such concepts give employees a choice of place of work, it is quite challenging for women and recent joiners to acquire skills, they observed. The panel concurred that AI & HR is being used in various computerized systems which are used for talent acquisition and talent development.

The second half of the conclave consisted of ten interactive workshops on topics related to Future of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Harnessing Emotions in the Post Pandemic Workplace, Designing the Hybrid Workplace – Challenges in Time & Space Management and Hiring in the post pandemic era – opportunities and challenges among other relevant topics.

The HR conclave provided students with an opportunity to interact with business leaders from the industry. IT created a platform to connect industry professionals, academia and students. Prof. Isa Mishra was the conclave convenor.

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