KSOM Faculty Delivers Expert Lectures at University of Delhi


Dr. Priti Ranjan Sahoo, Associate Professor at KIIT School of Management (KSOM) delivered two Expert Lectures on the topics titled “Plagiarism, How to remove plagiarism and plagiarism software” and “Scopus, Predatory Journals, UGC care 1, UGC care II, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 Journals, Web of Science, Impact factors, how to search for journal of your subject” at the Faculty Development Programme organised by Bharati College (University of Delhi).

Bharati College, which is celebrating its 50 years of excellence, organised the FDP in association with UGC-HRD Center, Savitribai Phule Pune University. The theme of the one-week interdisciplinary FDP was “Research Paper Writing and Publishing for Scopus and UGC Care Journal”. Around 80 faculty members of different Universities and colleges from across the country attended the programme.

Prof. Neharika Vohra, Vice-Chancellor at Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University inaugurated the programme. Prof. Sanjiv Sonawane, Director, Faculty Development Centre (UGC HRDC) Savitribai Phule University, Pune set the context and expected outcome of the programme during the inaugural session. Prof. Jawahar Jangir, Provost and Director, Manipal University, Jaipur delivered the valedictory address.

In his interactive lecture, Dr. Sahoo highlighted the strategy for the publication in various journals such as Scopus indexed, Web of Science Indexed, UGC Care list, and Peer-reviewed journals. Further, he demonstrated several tools for manuscript reading and plagiarism check with focus on referencing style.

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