KSOM Brings out the 2nd Edition of In-House Quarterly e- Magazine ‘Konversations’


The 2nd edition of ‘Konversations’, the in-house quarterly e-Magazine for KSOM based on the theme ‘Kombating COVID 19’, has been released.

This issue focuses on the stellar work done by Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic. Anticipating the challenges that lay ahead, KIIT & KISS initiated an action plan to help the worst-hit sections of the society. Starting from India’s first COVID hospital in KIMS, providing free education to the children of COVID deceased, distributing family survival packets to disadvantaged people in slums, delivering cooked food to police personnel on duty, providing for the transgender community to working with the Government of Odisha and to provide support in the form of all its available resources – logistics, infrastructure, healthcare, human resources, KIIT set out on a mission to provide basic necessities to vulnerable communities across Odisha.

Conceptualized by Prof. SK Mahapatra, Director, KSOM, ‘Konversations’ is a new endeavor that contains important events of KSOM along with creative musings shared by the faculty and students. This provides a platform for everyone in KSOM to showcase their talent, achievements and express opinions on relevant issues. The quarterly e-magazine starts with the important news and achievements of the Founder and KIIT Deemed to be University during the quarter. Post the messages from the Director and Dean of the School, the magazine comprises all the events, activities, awards and achievements of KSOM, its faculty and its students. The latter half of the magazine showcases the talent of its students and alumni across MBA and BBA with a section for faculty as well. This includes articles, poems, sketches and photographs. 

It is designed by KSOM’s own team of faculty and students with Prof. Mohar Banerjee leading from the front ably supported by the editorial team – Prof. Ipsita Nayak, Prof. Ritika Sharma, Prof. Saptorshi Das and Prof. Sugato Tripathy. The student team comprised of Ritika Chatterjee, Bhumija Lenka, Shraddha Mahapatra, Manisha Mahato, Brajesh Bakshi, Anmol Dhanuka, Ayesh Zameer, Pragyan Parija, Md. Shareef Kaihan and Karanveer Thakur and all of them did an excellent job for the magazine.

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