KIIT Career Advisory & Augmentation School Organizes Placement Training Orientation Program


School-wise Placement Training Orientation Program for the 2022 Graduating Batch of the Schools of Technology and MCA was organized by Career Advisory & Augmentation School (CAAS). Four webinars were held under the program, which aimed at introducing and facilitating employability training which would be offered by CAAS from this week with specific road maps to achieve career goals. Students were on-boarded for specialized interventions through digital and social platforms.

The orientation program helped students understand and focus on the current changed placement scenario, market demand in respect to placement, employability training and its importance, importance of assessments comprising entry and exit tests and their importance, etc. In his inaugural address, Prof. Suman Bhattacharya, Director-CAAS highlighted the shift in hiring process in the Covid times, besides stressing on AI, ML, Data Science etc. in the real-time projects.

The convener, Prof. Priyadarshi Biswal, Dean-CAAS spoke on the transformative impacts of the Career Orientation Sessions. They are designed to make students aware about the changed hiring process in the current scenario that requires the students to align themselves as per the need, he stated. He also briefed about on-campus opportunities for KIITians in Fintech, BFSI and other High-Tech Sectors.

Faculty members from CAAS, Associate Deans (T&P), namely Prof. Tanmay Swain (School of Computer Science); Prof. Arindam Basak (School of Electronics); Prof. Chandrasekhar (School of Mechanical); Prof. Subrat Behera (School of Electrical); Prof. Dilip Bera (School of Civil) informed about the plethora of opportunities provided by KIIT-DU and encouraged students to avail the same besides building up good career with deep-rooted academics.

Prof. Rajesh Panda, Program Head for 2022 Graduating Batch Students presented the interventions and customized programs which emphasized the skills required to match up to the industry standard. Prof. Abhishek Ray, Dean IE projected the types of jobs available for core domain areas besides multiple career paths after higher studies. Prof. Prachet Bhuyan, Dean T&P urged the students to become serious in the current semester while coping with the upcoming new type of hiring processes and proposed the vote of thanks. 

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