KIIT Career Advisory & Augmentation School Organizes Webinar on ‘Intellectual Property Rights Filing’


A Webinar titled ‘Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Filing’ was organized by Career Advisory & Augmentation School (CAAS), KIIT Deemed to be University. The session was organized to make the students aware of IPR Filing of Unique Ideations which was identified during the Placement Focused Project Review sessions for 2021 graduating batch students for a span of three months.

In his talk, Mr. Nitin Kamal, an experienced professional in Software Programming, Analytics and Cloud Architecture having 2 patent grants from United States and Singapore, told students that Unique Ideations should not be made public until it completes all the processes of IPR Filing. He also shared his life experiences on Patent Filing. Mr. Kamal has worked for the top Fortune 100 companies in the Financial and Healthcare sectors and lived in Western Europe (Netherlands and Sweden), China, Singapore, India and the United States. 

Mr. Subhranshu Sahoo, who is engaged as IPR Governance, Risk and Compliance Manager for one of the major financial organizations based out of London to strengthen IPR governance policy and legal compliance across organization, made students aware through various Case Studies on what is Patent, types of IPR & it’s exclusive rights, citation of patents, patent filing steps and sources. Mr. Sahoo, who holds degrees in Physics & Law and has 6 Patents filed for inventions license compliance, also answered and cleared various doubts of the students during the question answer round.

Earlier, Dr. Suman Bhattacharya, Director, CAAS placed the welcome address and set the context for discussion. Prof. Priyadarshi Biswal, Dean, CAAS threw lights on various facts and processes on IPR Filing and extended vote of thanks to the esteemed speakers.

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