Faculty Development Programme 2021 Concludes at KIIT School of Yoga


KIIT School of Yoga concluded a five-day Online Faculty Development Programme-2021 titled “Potential role of Yoga and its allied techniques in managing Health and Lifestyle diseases” from 21st to 26th June 2021 on virtual mode. As many as 12 sessions were conducted with an aim to contribute to improving the teaching and research skills of the participants. Eminent speakers from both academic and medical backgrounds facilitated knowledge to the participants. Dr. Biswabandita Kar, Dean, School of Yoga presided over the Online FDP.

Dr. Prafulla Kumar Mishra, Chancellor, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Bihar delivered his talk on “Positive Thinking”. He explained the different types of personalities such as vital, physical and mental and how one’s mental state overrides the vital state and the vital state overrides the physical state. He also differentiated between pleasure and happiness. He weighed upon utilizing Yoga for better living and humanity and how one can overcome difficulties by positive thinking.

Dr. Kashinath G Metri, Assistant Professor, Central University, Rajasthan delivered his talk on “Yoga a key tool for managing cardiovascular disorders”. Dr. Metri discussed the cardiovascular system and its disorders like Hypertension, Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease. He pointed out how an unhealthy lifestyle leads to different heart diseases. He explained the medical and yogic management of cardiovascular disorders.

Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Panda, Lecturer, KIIT School of Yoga delivered his talk on “Impact of Yoga on Mental health”. Dr. Panda talked and demonstrated different Yoga Asanas and Pranayamas for good mental health. Everyone present in the session also participated in the practice. He also discussed the sutras mentioned in Patanjali Yoga Sutras for maintaining good mental health.

Dr. Sanjib Kumar Patra, Dean & Head of Dept. of Yoga, Central University, Rajasthan delivered his talk on “Yoga and Immunity”. Dr. Patra gave an overview of the Innate and Adaptive Immune system and how both of these function. He stressed about the Role of yoga in combating Covid-19. He also explained “How practicing different yoga practices builds one’s immune system?” He specified the research studies that can be done on the role of yoga on the immune system.

Mr. Sashikanta Khuntia, Faculty of School of Yoga delivered his talk on “Neti and Kriyas for Respiratory tract functionality”. Mr. Khuntia discussed about the Shatkarmas (Six Kriyas- Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalbhati and Trataka) of Yoga which are nothing but Six category of cleansing techniques that cleanses physically and mentally and keeping the body and mind in balance. He narrated the procedure, benefits and contraindications of each technique. He also demonstrated how to practice Jal Neti, Sutra Neti and Kunjal Kriya.

Dr. Indulata Das, Director, Academy of Yoga and Oriental Studies (AYOS) – Bhubaneswar delivered her talk on “Yoga and holistic health”. Dr. Das elaborated about the Seven Conditions (Dosas, Digestive Fire, Seven Dhatus, Evacuation of physical waste, Soul, Mind and Indriyas) of health. She gave the broad classification of diseases into two groups, i.e., Physical and Mental. She also discussed about maintaining health taking references from many scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Patanjali Yogasutra, etc. She emphasized how Yoga has remedy for all kinds of problems.

Dr. Satya Narayan Mishra, Professor of Sivananda Yoga Academy, Bhubaneswar delivered his talk on “Music Therapy – A Brief Talk”. Dr. Mishra talked about the popular and historic health psychology practice that uses the physical, emotional, mental, aesthetic and spiritual facets of music to help people improve their overall health. He gave evidence of ancient scriptures supporting music as a therapy for mental wellbeing. He gave the differences between the different types of Nada (sound) He also stressed upon the kind of raga used in Mind therapy. He demonstrated different Ragas in his own voice in front of all the participants which were really soulful and magical.

Dr. Gopal Chandra Nanda, Chairman, Empowered Committee AYUSH, Health & FW Dept., Govt. of Odisha, Honorary Director, Ayurved Geriatric Care & Research Centre, Bhubaneswar delivered his talk on “Positivity and mental health for human resource management with reference to ancient system of Medical sciences in India”. He described how Mana or mind can be controlled by Vayu and how Vayu can be controlled by practicing Yoga. He also briefed about Pranava Yoga. He explained about the 10 faculties of Mana (mind) and how each faculty of mind is lost till one gets 100 years old. He also pointed out the references from Bhagavad Gita, Ayurveda and Yoga to maintain a positive mental and physical health.

Mr. Bibhudatta Sahoo, Assistant Professor, KIIT School of Yoga delivered his talk on “Ergonomic posture and workplace stress”. Mr. Sahoo presented Ergonomics in the workplace or workers or laborers sitting for longer hours at one place and doing their job. He also explained the kind of stress depending upon the kind of stressors. He emphasized on how a good sitting posture should be when one is sitting on a chair. He also demonstrated the basic movements/stretches of hands, shoulders, neck, chest and leg to avoid any kind of Musculoskeletal Disorders that might occur due to stress on that specific part of the body.

Dr. Sanjib Patra, Dean & Head of Dept. of Yoga, Central University, Rajasthan delivered his talk on “Concept of Stress and its management”. Dr. Patra presented the concept of Stress in a scientific manner by showing experiments performed by Dr. Hans Selye on rats and showed that Stress is the cause of Disease. Dr. Patra pointed out how to respond to Stress, i.e. either by Flight or Fight. He showcased the Stress hormones released in a human’s body. He also differentiated between Distress and Eustress.

Dr. Subash Chandra Dash, Head, P.G. Department of Sanskrit, Utkal University, Odisha delivered his talk on “Positive mind for holistic development in Indian Philosophy”.  He elaborated on how one can attain Moksha by using the other three Aims of Life, i.e., Dharma, Artha & Kama. He explained about the Brahman or the Atman. He also briefed about happiness and unhappiness. He pointed out the characteristics of an Astika and a Nastika.

Mr. Ajay Kumar Sahoo, Mahanagar Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Odisha Chapter delivered his talk on “Dhyana, meditation and positivism”. At the start of his session, he made everyone meditate for about 30 minutes. He then talked about the various aspects of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi and how one can achieve those stages with practice and experience. He also showcased how one can increase his/her Aura with practice of meditation.

All the esteemed speakers answered queries of the participants at the end of their talks. All the faculty members and students of KIIT School of Yoga participated in the sessions and made it a success. Dr. Nirmal Mandal, Professor, School of Rural Management attended all the Sessions. Mr. Bibhudatta Sahoo and Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Panda moderated the program. 

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