KSOL & TECC Organize Webinar on Scholarship in Taiwan


KIIT School of Languages (KSOL) and Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre in India (TECC) organized a webinar on “Higher Education and Scholarship in Taiwan” on 24th February 2022. The event is organized to promote Chinese language learning among students and faculty members along with creating awareness about the enormous opportunities of scholarships for Higher Education offered by the Government of Taiwan for the deserving South Asian students.

Prof. (Dr.) Beerendra Pandey, Dean, KSOL gave the inaugural address about benefits of learning Mandarin Chinese and welcomed the guest speakers and the student participants. The event was also graced by Prof. (Dr.) Saranjit Singh, Pro Vice Chancellor, KIIT Deemed to be University who shared his insights on opportunities in Taiwan and spoke on KIIT’s strong relationship with several Taiwanese Universities.

The key speaker of the webinar was Mr. Peters Chen, Director, Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India (TECC), New Delhi who is from the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Mr. Chen made an elaborate presentation on the scope of Higher Education and different scholarships offered. He also highlighted the economic and technological strength of Taiwan which made it a sought after destination among experienced professionals for career prospects.

Other two speakers of the webinar were the benefactors of scholarship from TECC who shared their experiences of having global exposure while studying in Taiwan. They were Mr. Wasim Zafar, a Mechanical Engineering Graduate & Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Awardee and Ms. Aastha William, Scholarship Awardee & MBA Student at National Sun Yat Sen University, Taiwan. Around 100 participants joined this highly informative and interactive orientation webinar.  Audience asked several questions to the experts from TECC and got satisfactory replies. The session was initiated and moderated by Mr. Sameer Kumar Das, Deputy Director, KSOL.

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