Patents Published/Granted (June 2021)


KIIT School of Biotechnology

Rojalin Sahu, Dr. Jagannath Panda, and Dr. Rashmi Rekha Pati, Name: A Novel Green Synthesis of Multi-Coloured Fluorescent Carbon Quantum (Indian Patent).

Abstract: The patent is made for a green method for preparing multi-coloured fluorescent carbon material containing carbon quantum dots. The plant extracts are used for preparation of this fluorescent material. The synthesized fluorescent carbon quantum dots have been characterized using different analysis techniques. Multi-coloured and fluorescent properties have been checked by the use of different light sources containing covered chamber. The cytotoxicity of the quantum dots has been studied on the dendritic cells to know the cell viability. The synthesized materials are having good fluorescent properties that are helpful for cancer cell imaging and for detecting small ions/molecules from aqueous solutions.

KIIT School of Computer Engineering

1. Ajay K Tripathy, Pradyumna, K Tripathy, Niranjan K Ray, SarajuP Mohanty

Patent Name: IOT BASED PERSONAL SECURITY SYSTEM (Indian Patent), Application No. 202111004091, Publication date: 12/02/2021

Abstract: Independent mobility is a challenge for tourists who visit places with unknown demographics. In many countries where along with linguistic barriers, one also has to deal withsecurity, unavailability of proper information about resources, frauds, and thefts which turnout to be some of the major hurdles in the path of independent mobility. Technologies cancome handy to overcome the challenges faced by tourists on a visit to a new or unknownplace. We propose an IoTbased technology framework which relies onInformation & Communication Technology (ICT) to overcome these challenges by makinguse of citizens participation.

2. Devishree Rohit Naidu, Niranjan Ray

Patent Name: A Security System for Detecting Trespassers  (Indian Patent), Application No. 202121009122, Publication date: 19/03/2021.

Abstract: The present invention provides a security system for detecting a trespasser entered in a predefined region. The security system includes one or more piezoelectric sensors one or more cameras, a controller and electronic device. The piezo-electric sensor is arranged beneath floor tiles. The respective piezo-electric sensor senses the pressure and generates signals accordingly. The cameras are installed in the predefined region. Each camera is connected to a motor. The motor rotates the camera according rotationsthereof.  The controller is connected to the piezo-electric sensors and the cameras.

3. Pradeep Kumar Mallick, Akash Kumar Bhoi, Gyoo Soo Chae, Neeraj Priyadarshi, Chittaranjan Pradhan, P. V. Rao, Inderpreet Kaur, Manpreet Singh Manna, Neelamadhab Padhy, P. Satya Shekhar, Krishnamoorthi K

Patent Name: Machine Learning and IoT Based Autonomous Car Jack (Australian patent). Application No.- 2021100050

Abstract: Exemplary aspects of the present disclosure are directed towards the Machine-Learning and IoT Based Autonomous Car Jack Comprising of Machine-Learning Based Autonomous System (MLBAS) 101 mounted on a jack 102 to lift the car for tyre/wheel replacement. Wherein MLBAS consists of machine-learning enabled camera(MLEC)101a, High-torque DC-motor 101b and a Li-Po battery 101c. MLEC 101a is trained with the images of tyre/wheel at good-condition and at flat-condition. Once the jack is kept under the car and turned on, MLEC 101a executes relevant machine-learning algorithm and determines the size/shape of the tyre/wheel and estimate whether car is to be lifted or not. 

4. Dr. Aleena Swetapadma, Satarupa Chakrabarti, Dr. Prasant Kumar Pattnaik

Patent Name: A generalized epileptic seizure detection framework independent of channels (Australian patent).


Abstract: Epilepsy is a neurological condition that is exhibited by swift and recurring seizure attack. The most expansively accepted non-invasive technique used by physicians for studying brain activities is through electroencephalogram (EEG) that offers creditable temporal resolution. Different tests are also present such as, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET) etc. Automated seizure detection system would pave way for easier and faster diagnosis of seizure with minimal misjudgment. Hence, an automated generalized system that would adapt and detect epileptic seizures such that it will help in providing better treatment and care has been developed.

5. Mr. Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, Dr. Parthasarathi Pattnayak, Dr. Kanchan Hans, Dr. N. Muthumani, Ritam Dutta, C R Srinivasan, Abhishek Majumdar, Bagesh Kumar, Mr. Subha Ranjan Das, Dr. Sudhakar Sahu, Mr. Sangram Keshari Nayak, Dr. S. Balamurugan.


Abstract: The Smart Waste Management System (SWMS) categorised waste by means of AI-based robot-hand, hybrid sensors and a control unit based on its property as biodegradable, non-biodegradable and unsorted garbage.Vibrating multilevel screeners help to perform initial screening of waste on the basis of its dimensions.Waste sweeper assists in balancing excess waste into waste divider.Transporter helps to categorise the waste process by moving the garbage.The waste can be categorised automatically and without the involvement of man by using this SWMS on the basis of its properties, such as biodegradable, non-biodegradable and unsorted waste.

6. Mr. Akash Kumar Bhoi, Neeraj Priyadarshi, karma Sonam Sherpa, Sanjeet Kumar,Vinod Kumar Singh, Parthasarathi Pattnayak, Naga Srinivasu Parvathaneni, Farooque Azam, Nil Patel, Mahaboob Shaik, ARSHAD MOHAMMED

Patent Name: IoT AND MACHINE LEARNING-BASED POWER DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ( Australian patent). Application No- 2020103212

Abstract: The IoT and Mechine Learning-Based Power Distribution Systems 101 connected via Communication Network 102 to the Smart Powers Distribution System (SPDS-MAIN)104. The TMS 101 combines the minimum of 101a with 101b chip power, six 101d transformers and six 101c power sensors. The 101aBreaker 101e circuit, 101f sensor and 101g sensor vibration system is the transformative management system. All transformer management system (TMS) 101 power data forwarded to SPDS- MAIN 103 to analyse data for the identification and prediction of faults and load variations, in oil temperature transformer efficiency, losses and isolates the section.