Journal Papers (Jan – April 2021)


KIIT School of Applied Sciences

1. Mahato, R., Das, M., and Sibanda, P., (2021), Hall Effect on MHD Transient Free Convection Flow Of Chemically Reactive Casson Fluid with Heat Source/Sink Past an Infinite Vertical Cylinder. Physica Scripta, Vol. 96, No. 1, pp. 015207.

Abstract: This article presents the effect of Hall current, magnetic field, and chemical reaction on an unsteady MHD transient free convective Casson fluid flow past an infinite vertical cylinder subject to heat source and sink. Closed-form solutions are obtained by employing Laplace transform and inverted using Mellin-Fourier-Integral and presented them in terms of Bessel functions. The influence of different physical parameters on fluid flow is discussed via graphs and tables. By upgrading values of the Prandtl number reduces the temperature but enhances the Nusselt number. This fluid flow model will be applicable in geophysics, the mining industry, chemical and biomedical engineering.

2. Sen S. S. S., Das M, and Shaw S. (2021), Thermal Dispersed Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Reaction Within Mhdflowof Jeffrey Fluid in the Presence of Newtonian Cooling and Nonlinear Thermal Radiation, Heat Transfer, pp.1–16,

Abstract: The current work studies the effects of Newtonian cooling, magnetic field and non-linear radiation on the Jeffrey fluid flow along with thermal dispersion and homogeneous-heterogeneous reaction. BVP4C solver of MATLAB has been used to solve the governing equations. The variation in the fluid flow due to different parameters has been analyzed through graphs and tables. Some important observations of this work are that the fluid velocity declines with an increase in melting parameter and magnetic number whereas the fluid temperature increases with radiation parameter. The present model can be utilized by plastic and food processing industries to enhance their productivity.

3. Praharaj, S., Singha, A. and Rout, D., (2021), Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Lead-Free Na0.5Bi0.5tio3-Srtio3-Bifeo3 Ternary System, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 867, pp.159114.

Abstract: This work focuses on the synthesis and characterization of a Pb-free (0.8-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-0.2SrTiO3-xBiFeO3, 0.00≤ x≤ 0.10 perovskite. The ceramics exhibit significant improvement in some of the key parameters like Tc, dielectric constant, temperature stability, TCe values, etc. The composition (x=0.05) showed a permittivity of ~4000 at 100 kHz at 250 °C with a normalized permittivity Δe/e250 varying not more than ±15% from 200 °C to beyond 500 °C. In addition, the same composition yields a TCε value as low as -194 ppm/°C which is promising from the capacitor application point of view.

4. Puhan, A., Bhushan, B., Meena, S.S., Nayak, A.K. and Rout, D., (2021) Surface Engineered Tb and Co Co-Doped Bifeo 3 Nanoparticles for Enhanced Photocatalytic and Magnetic Properties, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp.7956-7972.

Abstract: Controlled synthesis pure-phase Bi0.98Tb0.02Fe1−xCoxO3 (BTFCO, x = 0.01, 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07) nanoparticles with rhombohedral structure using a facile sol–gel method opens the doors to robust their magnetic and photocatalytic properties significantly. The as-synthesized samples are highly effective for rhodamin B (RhB) degradation under visible light irradiation. Bi0.98Tb0.02Fe0.93Co0.07O3 nanoparticles exhibit the best photocatalytic activity owing to their larger specific surface area, lower band gap, and reduced average particle size. Besides, 1.2% efficiency retention for the degradation of RhB dye using BTFCO7 after the 20th cycle suggests a potential candidate to address the current scenario in the environmental remediation technology.

5. Priyadarshini, B., Patra,T, and Sahoo,T. R., (2021), An Efficient and Comparative Adsorption of Congo Red and Trypan Blue Dyes on Mgo Nanoparticles: Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Isotherm Studies,Journal of Magnesium and Alloys,Vol 9, No. 2, pp. 478–488.

Abstract: Cubic phase of MgO nanoparticles (18 nm) wereprepared by microwave-assisted combustion synthesis and investigated for the removal of toxic dyes like Congo Red (CR) and Trypan blue(TB).The sample was characterized by XRD, FTIR, TGA and FESEM techniques.It was found that, 0.2g of MgO NPs showed maximum removal efficiency for both the dyes (more than 98%). The maximum loading capacity of MgO NPs was obtained to be 136 mg/gand 132 mg/g for CR and TB respectively. Different thermodynamic parameters like ΔG0, ΔH0 and ΔS0were measured.Whereas,the kinetic data revealed a pseudo 2ndorder rate for adsorption process.

6. Mahala, B. K., Mohanty, P. K., Xalxo, K. I., Routray, A., and Misra, S. K. (2021), Impact of WRF Parameterization Schemes on Track and Intensity of Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘‘Fani”, Pure and Applied Geophysics,Vol. 178, No. 1, pp. 245-268,

Abstract: The Authors have used the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to understand the impact of microphysical parameterization schemes on the track and intensity of extremely severe cyclonic storm (ESCS) ‘‘Fani’’ that occurred during 26 April to 4 May 2019 in the Bay of Bengal. The rainfall forecasts and TRMM observations were analyzed for quantification / spatial matching using the Method for Object-Based Diagnostic Evaluation (MODE) tool. Analysis of the simulated latent heat flux in different microphysics schemes suggests that the latent heat flux release at VSCS intensity level or above contributes to further intensification of the Tropical Cyclone.

7. Giri, R. L., Nanda, A. K., Dasgupta, M.,Misra, S. K. , and Bhattacharjee, S.(2021)On Ageing Intensity Function of Some Weibull Models,Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods,

ABSTRACT: There are many measures for qualitative and quantitative analysis of ageing phenomena of a system with a well defined statistical distribution, namely, hazard rate, ageing intensity (AI) function etc. The extensive usage of Weibull distributions in various fields has prompted us to explore the ageing property of these models. The present work derives the AI function of recent continuous Weibull distributions. In the process, we obtain generalizations of a few recent Weibull models. As noted, the characteristics of a distribution described by hazard rate and ageing intensity function differ altogether in many cases. Some of the results presented in this work have been analyzed through a simulation study using R software.

8. Jena, L., Soren, D.,Deheri, P. K., Pattojoshi, P.(2021), Preparation, Characterization and Optical Properties Evaluations of Bamboo Charcoal,Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Vol. 4, pp.100077.

Abstract: Fluorescent carbon nanostructures prepared by  annealingofbambooinargonatmosphere possessesanoptical bandgapof2.8eVwhenannealedat500○C and at600○C,3.3eV.XRD studyconfirmedformationofSP2 graphitenanostructure  embedded in amorphous carbon matrix. Two optical centers are observed. When excitedwithUVlight,two excitation wavelengthindependentphotoluminescence(PL)spectrawereobserved(green and yellow region). PL spectra were originated from extrinsic sp2 clustered band gap. The graphitic band gap energy is altereddueto-C–O,-COOHand–NH2groupdirectly linkedtosp2carbonbackbone.

9. Sahu,S.N.,Satpathy,S.S.,Mohanty,C.andPattanayak,S.K.(2021), ComputationalStudytoEvaluate the potency of PhytochemicalsinBoerhaviaDiffusaand theImpactofPoint Mutationon Cyclin-Dependent Kinase2-AssociatedProtein, JournalofBiomolecular StructureandDynamics, pp.1–15.

Abstract: Cancertissuesshowabnormalexpressionofcyclin-dependent kinase-2 associated Protein1 (CDK2AP1) gene.Aproteinmolecule’sconformational flexibilityaffectsitsinteractionwith phytochemicals andtheirbiologicalpartnersatvariouslevels.Fromthemoleculardockingstudy, we foundthat BoeravinoneJ have best binding  affinity (-7.9 kcal/mol) towards native protein of CDKAP1comparedtoothersphytochemicals. BindingenergyforH23RandC105R (mutationpoint) found as -7.8and-7.6kcal/molrespectively. Asingleminimaenergypoint(from100ns moleculardynamicssimulationstudy)wasfoundintheH23RmutantwithBoeravinone Jcomplex suggestedthatminimumstructuralchangeswithlessconformational mobilitycomparedC105Amutant model.

KIIT School of Biotechnology

1. Arega, A. M. and Mahapatra, R. K. (2021), Glycoconjugates, Hypothetical Proteins and Post Translational Modification:  Impact in Host Pathogen Interaction and Antitubercular Intervention Development, Chemical Biology and Drug Design, pp. 1-19, DOI: 10.1111/cbdd.13845 (IF: 2.548)

The article is based on a bioinformatics and immunoinformatics approach was applied on Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) H37Rv proteomes to discover the potential subunit vaccine candidates that elicit both tuberculosis-specific T-cells and B-cell immune response. A total of 4049 proteins of MtbH37 were retrieved and subjected to in silico sequence-based analysis. Finally, five (P9WL69 (Rv2599), P9WIG1 (Rv0747), P9WLQ1 (Rv1987), O53608 (Rv0063), O06624 (Rv1566c)) novel putative proteins were selected.

2. Arega, A.M., Pattanaik, K.P., Nayak, S., and Mahapatra, R.K. (2021). Computational Discovery and Experimental Validation of Novel Immunogenic Vaccine Candidates Against Tuberculosis, Acta Tropica. 217, No.105870, pp.1-14, DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2021.105870 (IF:2.555)

It is a review article based on the comprehensive study concerning the importance of cell envelope glycoconjugates and hypothetical proteins, the impact of posttranslational modification, and the bioinformatics-based implications for better antitubercular intervention development.

3. Bhol, P. and Mohanty, P.S. (2021), Smart Microgel-metal Hybrid Particles of PNIPAM-co-PAA@AgAu: Synthesis, Characterizations and Modulated Catalytic Activity, Journal of Physic: Condensed Matter,Vol. 33, pp. 084002

Smart pH and thermoresponsive microgel particles are used as microreactors to prepare hybrids of gold (Au) and silver (Ag) nanoparticles using a facile two steps in situ approach. These bimetallic smart hybrid microgels exhibit excellent tunable catalytic activity in the reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP)-to-4-aminophenol (4-AP) in the presence of sodium borohydride. These responsive hybrid particles can be a good replacement for natural enzymes as biocatalyst. These hybrids can be also used in other applications such as photothermal drug-delivery and antimicrobial studies.

4. Bhol, P.,  Mohanty., M, Mohanty, P.S. (2021), Polymer-Matrix Stabilized Metal Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterizations and Insight into Molecular Interactions Between Metal Ions, Atoms and Polymer Moieties, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol. 325, pp.  115135 (IF 5.065)

Handling nanoparticles on a mesoscale order enhances the functionality of nanoparticles for high-end technological applications such as photonics, catalysis, biomedical applications, etc. In this context, experimental groups have prepared polymer-metal hybrids of gold (Au), silver (Ag) and iron (Fe) where suitable polymer matrix microgel particles have been used to stabilize nanoparticles. As a bioinformatician I have studied in detail about the different types of molecular interactions that are responsible in holding the nanoparticles within the polymer matrices of microgel particles using concept from Molecular docking.

5. Chakrabortty, S., Nayak, J., Pal, P., Ruj, B., Chakraborty, P.  (2021), A Review on the Treatment of Textile Industry Waste Effluents Towards the Development of Efficient Mitigation Strategy: Material and Integrated Photo-Catalytic System Design, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,(Elsevier), Vol. 9, No. 4, pp-105277,

DOI: (IF 4.303)

Amidst the exponentially growing world economy, textile industries are referred to as one of the largest contributors to the economic growth and also the biggest pollution causing production sector. The conventional methodologies for waste effluent treatment involves huge energy, time, infrastructure, material, land, manpower, and capital consumption. The presented report consists of a detailed assessment of literature review depicting the classical processes and technological innovations in the latest few decades for the degradation and abatement of dyes and other pollutants from textile waste-effluents with a proposal of a novel economic and eco-friendly cutting-edge technology.

6. Chatterjee,M.,  Yadav, J., Rathinam, M., Mandal, A.,Chowdhary, G., Sreevathsa, R.,  Rao, U. (2021),  Exogenous Administration of dsRNA for the Demonstration of RNAi in Maruca vitrata (lepidoptera: crambidae), 3 Biotech, Vol. 11, pp. 197,


The polyphagous spotted pod borer, Maruca vitrata is an important agricultural pest that causes extensive damage on various food crops. Though the pest is managed by synthetic chemicals, exploration of biotechnological approaches for its control is important. RNAi-based gene silencing is one such tool that has been extensively used for functional genomics and is highly variable in insects. In view of this, we have attempted to demonstrate RNAi in M. vitrata through exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) administration targeting seven genes associated with midgut, chemosensory, cell signalling and development.

7. Chatterjee, S., Sinha, S., Molla, S., Hembram, K.C., Kundu, C.N. (2021), PARP inhibitor Veliparib (ABT-888) Enhances the Anti-angiogenic Potentiality of Curcumin through Deregulation of NECTIN-4 in Oral Cancer: Role of Nitric Oxide (NO),Cell Signal, . Vol. 80, No. 109902, DOI: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2020.109902. Epub 2020 Dec 26. PMID: 33373686.

Concurrent use of DNA damaging agents with PARP inhibitors contribute to the effectiveness of the anticancer therapy. But there is a dearth of reports on the antiangiogenic effects of PARP inhibitors and the suppression of angiogenesis by this drug combination is not yet reported. For the successful development of cancer therapeutics, anti-cancer drugs ought to have anti-angiogenic potentiality along with their DNA damaging abilities. In this current piece of work, we investigated the in vitro and in ovo anti-angiogenic effect of Curcumin and Veliparib (a PARP inhibitor) in oral cancer.

8. Das, B. and  Kundu, C.N. (2021), Anti-Cancer Stem Cells Potentiality of an Anti-Malarial Agent Quinacrine: An Old Wine in a New Bottle, Anticancer Agents Med Chem, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 416-427,  DOI: 10.2174/1871520620666200721123046. PMID: 32698746.

Quinacrine (QC) is a tricyclic compound and a derivative of 9-aminoacridine. It has been widely used to treat malaria and other parasitic diseases since the last century. Interestingly, studies have revealed that it also displays anti-cancer activities. Here, we have discussed the anti-cancer mechanism of QC along with its potentiality to specifically target cancer stem cells.

9. Sethy, C. and  Kundu, C.N. (2021), 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) resistance and the New Strategy to Enhance the Sensitivity against Cancer: Implication of DNA Repair Inhibition, Biomed Pharmacother, Vol.137, No.111285, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2021.111285.

5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) has been an important anti-cancer drug to date. With an increase in the knowledge of its mechanism of action, various treatment modalities have been developed over the past few decades to increase its anti-cancer activity. But drug resistance has greatly affected the clinical use of 5-FU. Overcoming this chemoresistance is a challenge due to the presence of cancer stem cells like cells, cancer recurrence, metastasis, and angiogenesis. In this review, we have systematically discussed the mechanism of 5-FU resistance and advent strategies to increase the sensitivity of 5-FU therapy including resistance reversal. Special emphasis has been given to the cancer stem cells (CSCs) mediated 5-FU chemoresistance and its reversal process by different approaches including the DNA repair inhibition process.

10. Pradhan, R., Chatterjee, S., Hembram, K.C., Sethy, C., Mandal, M, Kundu, C.N. (2021), Nano formulated Resveratrol Inhibits Metastasis and Angiogenesis by Reducing Inflammatory Cytokines in Oral Cancer Cells by Targeting Tumor Associated Macrophages, J Nutr Biochem, Vol. 92, No.108624, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2021.108624. Epub 2021 Mar 8.

Tumor associated macrophages in the tumor microenvironment secrete multiple cytokines, which regulate cancer cells growth and invasiveness. We systematically studied the role of cytokines in the induction of cancer stem like cells (CSCs) in oral cancer cells niche and evaluated the mechanism of Resveratrol nanoparticle (Res-Nano) mediated-reduction of CSCs properties in cells. A highly M1-like macrophages-enriched conditioned medium (CM) was generated by treating fixed doses of PMA and LPS in THP-1 cells alone as well as co-cultured of H-357 plus THP-1 cells. These M1-like macrophages increased the production of cytokines (e.g., TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, etc.). A CSCs populated environment was created after addition of cytokine-enriched-CM of co-culture of H-357 and THP-1 cells to cancer cells and cytokine enriched CM of THP-1 cells to patient derived primary oral cancer cells, respectively. After incubation with CM, enhancement of stemness, angiogenic and metastatic properties of both H-357 and primary oral cancer cells were noted. Res-NP decreased the cytokines level in CSCs-enriched cells and reduced the invasion, proliferation and growth of CSCs. Representative metastatic (CD133, ALDH1, CXCR4, etc.) and angiogenic markers (MMPs, iNOS, VEGF-A, etc.) were decreased after Res-NP treatment in CSCs enriched oral cancer cells niche. It also disrupted angiogenesis, depleted nitric oxide production in fertilized chick embryos and reduced the expression of metastatic and angiogenic markers in xenograft mice model system. Thus, this study concluded that CSCs-mediated stemness is a cytokine dependent phenomena and treatment of Res-NP inhibit this process in in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo systems.

11. Bal, N.C., Gupta, S.C., Pant, M., Sopariwala, D.H., Gonzalez-Escobedo, G., Turner, J., Gunn, J.S., Pierson, C.R., Harper, S.Q., Rafael-Fortney, J., Periasamy, M. (2021), Is Upregulation of Sarcolipin (SLN) Beneficial or Detrimental to Muscle Function? Frontiers in Physiology, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.633058.  (IF 12.66)

Sarcolipin (SLN) contribute to muscle nonshivering thermogenesis and energy metabolism. However, SLN expression in various muscle pathophysiology has not been studied in details although its expression is several folds higher during muscle development. Here, we critically examined whether SLN upregulation in the skeletal muscle is a cause or compensatory response. We show that SLN levels are induced in muscle during systemic bacterial (Salmonella) infection or lipopolysaccharides (LPS) treatment. SLN expression is significantly upregulated in different types of muscular dystrophies and myotubular myopathy. Our data suggest increased SLN expression is a compensatory response to meet the higher energy demand of muscle.

12. Singh, S., Periasamy, M., and Bal, N.C. (2021), Strain-Specific Differences in Muscle Ca2+ Transport and Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain Proteins Between FVB/N and C57BL/6J Mice, Journal of Experimental Biology, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.238634

Abstract: Genetically engineered mouse models have been used to determine the role of sarcolipin (SLN). However, few studies had difficulty in detecting SLN in FBV/N mice and questioned its relevance to muscle metabolism. Therefore, here we compared the expression of SLN and key proteins involved in Ca2+-handling and mitochondrial metabolism between FVB/N and C57BL/6J mouse strains. Data suggests that, SLN expression is less abundant in the skeletal muscles of FVB/N mice compared to C57BL/6J strain. Further, differential expression of Ca2+-transporters and the electron transport proteins in the mitochondria was observed which may contribute to differences in energy metabolism.

13. Borah, N.A., Sradhanjali, S., Barik, M.R., Jha, A., Tripathy, D., Kaliki, S., Rath, S., Raghav, S.K., Patnaik, S., Mittal, R., Reddy, M.M. (2021), Aurora Kinase B Expression, Its Regulation and Therapeutic Targeting in Human Retinoblastoma, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, Vol. 1, No. 62(3), pp.16, DOI: 10.1167/iovs.62.3.16. (IF:3.66)

Aurora kinase B (AURKB) plays a pivotal role in the regulation of mitosis and is gaining prominence as a therapeutic target in cancers; however, the role of AURKB in retinoblastoma (RB) has not been studied. The expression of AURKB was found elevated in human RB tissues, and the overexpression significantly correlated with optic nerve and anterior chamber invasion. Targeting AURKB with small-molecule inhibitors and shRNAs resulted in reduced cell survival and increased apoptosis and cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase. More importantly, primary RB specimens showed decreased cell viability in response to pharmacological AURKB inhibition. Additional studies have demonstrated that the MYCN oncogene regulates the expression of AURKB in RB.

14. Majhi, R.K, Mohanty, S., Khan, Md.I., Mishra, A., Brauner, A. (2021), Ag@ZnO Nanoparticles Induce Antimicrobial Peptides and Promote Migration and Antibacterial Activity of Keratinocytes, ACS infectious Diseases,

Antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles is often associated with toxicity to the host. We here report that noncytotoxic doses of silver nanoparticles coated with zinc oxide, Ag@ZnO, can stimulate proliferation and migration of human keratinocytes, HaCaT, with increased expression of Ki67 and vinculin at the leading edge of wounds. Interestingly, Ag@ZnO stimulates keratinocytes to produce the antimicrobial peptides hBD2 and RNase7, promoting antibacterial activity against both extracellular and intracellular Staphylococcus aureus isolated from wounds. Overall, these results suggest that Ag@ZnO has the potential to significantly improve treatment outcomes in clearing wound infection.

15. Panda, S., Nanda, A., Nasker, S.S., Sen, D., Mehra, A., Nayak, S. (2021), Metal Effect on Intein Splicing:A Review, Biochimie, Vol. 185, Pg. 53-67, DOI: (IF 3.413)

Inteins are intervening polypeptides that interrupt the functional domains of several important proteins across the three domains of life. Inteins excise themselves from the precursor protein, ligating concomitant extein residues in a process called protein splicing. Post-translational auto-removal of inteins remain critical for the generation of active proteins. The perspective of inteins in science is a robust field of research, however fundamental studies centralized upon splicing regulatory mechanism are imperative for addressing more intricate issues.

16. Jakhmola, S., Baral, B., Muduli, K., Suar, M., Das, P., Patnaik, P.K., Mohakud, N.K., Jha, H.C. (2021), The Interrelation of COVID-19 and Neurological Modalities, Neurol Sci, Vol. 12, Pg. 1-4.

17. Paul, P., Patel, P., Verma, S.K., Mishra, P., Sahu, B.R., Panda, P.K., Kushwaha, G.S., Senapati, S., Misra, N., Suar, M. (2021),  The Hha-TomB Toxin-Antitoxin Module in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Limits its Intracellular Survival Profile and Regulates Host Immune Response, Cell Biol Toxicol, DOI: 10.1007/s10565-021-09587-z.

18. Jha, E., Panda, P.K., Patel, P., Kumari, P., Mohanty, S., Parashar, S., Ahuja, R., Verma, S.K., Suar, M. (2021), Intrinsic Atomic Interaction at Molecular Proximal Vicinity Infer Cellular Biocompatibility of Antibacterial Nanopepper, Nanomedicine (Lond), Vol. 16, No. 4, Pg. 307-322.

19. Kangabam, R., Sahoo, S., Ghosh, A., Roy, R., Silla, Y., Misra, N., Suar, M. (2021), Next-Generation Computational Tools and Resources for Coronavirus Research: From Detection to Vaccine Discovery, Comput Biol Med, Vol. 128. No. 104158.

20. Sahoo, S., Mahapatra, S.R., Parida, B.K., Rath, S., Dehury, B., Raina, V., Mohakud, N.K., Misra, N., Suar, M. (2021), DBCOVP: A Database of Coronavirus Virulent Glycoproteins,  Comput Biol Med, Vol. 129, No. 104131

KIIT School of Civil Engineering

  1. Sahoo, S. K., Mohapatra, B. G., Patro, S. K., and Acharya, P. K. (2021). Evaluation of Graded Layer in Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Based Layered Concrete. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 276, doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.122218 (IF: 4.419).
  2. Mohanty, M., Raj, Y., Tiwary, U., Roy, S., Rout, S., and Samal, S. R. (2021). Operational Effects of Speed Breakers: A Case Study in India. European Transport, International Journal of Transport Economics, Engineering and Law, Vol. 81(1), doi: 10.48295/ET.2021.81.1 (IF: 0.232).
  3. Mohanty, M. and Dey, P. P. (2021). Operational Effects of U-turns at Median Opening. Transportation Letters—The International Journal of Transportation Research, doi: 10.1080/19427867.2021.1908491 (IF: 1.84).
  4. Pandey, P., Lynch, K., Sivakumar, V., Solan, B., Tripathy, S., Nanda, S., and Donohue, S. (2021). Measurements of Permeability of Saturated and Unsaturated Soils. Géotechnique, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. 170–177, doi:10.1680/jgeot.19.P.058 (IF: 4.331).
  5. Roy, S. and Kundu, C. K. (2021,). State of the Art Review of Wind Induced Vibration and Its Control on Transmission Towers. Structures, Elsevier, Vol. 29, pp. 254-264, DOI: 10.1016/j.istruc.2020.11.015 (IF: 1.839).
  6. Samal, K. and Dash, R. R. (2021). Modelling of Pollutants Removal in Integrated Vermifilter(Ivmf) Using Response Surface Methodology.Cleaner Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, DOI: 10.1016/j.clet.2021.100060.
  7. Das, S. and Saha, P. (2021). Performance of Swarm Intelligence Based Chaotic Meta-Heuristic Algorithms in Civil Structural Health Monitoring. Measurement, Elsevier, Vol. 169, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2020.108533 (IF: 3.364).
  8. Acharya, P. K. and Patro, S. K. (2021). Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Cement Concrete Beams Made with Air-Cooled Ferrochrome Slag Coarse Aggregate. Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 95, No. 2 (IF: 0.151).
  9. Chamling, P. K., Biswal, D. R., and Sahoo,U. C. (2021). Effect of Moulding Water Content on Strength Characteristics of a Cement-Stabilized Granular Lateritic Soil. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol. 6, No. 82, DOI: 10.1007/s41062-020-00410-y (IF: 1.154).
  10. Samal, K., Kar, S., Trivedi, S., and Upadhyay, S. (2021). Assessing the Impact of Vegetation Coverage Ratio in a Floating Water Treatment Bed of PistiaStratiotes. SN Applied Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 120, doi: 10.1007/s42452-020-04139-2.
  11. Paikaray, B., Das, S. K., and Mohapatra, B. G. (2021). Bearing Capacity of Model Footing on Reinforced Foundation with Crusher Dust. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 14, No. 57, DOI: 10.1007/s12517-020-06441-0 (IF: 1.456).
  12. Mohanty, M., Panda, B., and Dey, P. P. (2021). Quantification of Surrogate Safety Measure to Predict Severity of Road Crashes at Median Openings. IATSS Research, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 153–159, doi: 10.1016/j.iatssr.2020.07.003 (IF: 3.117).

KIIT School of Electrical Engineering

1. Allamsetty, S., Chandra, M. and Panigrahi, C. K. (2021) ‘A Novel Social Constructivist Pedagogy to Teach Basic Electrical Engineering Course to Undergraduate Students in Online Mode’, The International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education. doi: 10.1177/0020720921999747.

The way the teachers deliver the content of any course curriculum is always important. It must create enough interest in the students, especially when it is in the online mode. In this paper, a novel pedagogy has been proposed, which can work for both online and offline classes based on the social constructivist methods. The methods followed in the proposed pedagogy are classified into two types: social examples and technical drama. One of the courses of first-year engineering undergraduates, Basic Electrical Engineering (BEE), has been taken into consideration for the practical implementation of this pedagogy.

2. Roy, T. and Sadhu, P. K. (2020), A Step-up Multilevel Inverter Topology Using Novel Switched Capacitor Converters with Reduced Components. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp.236–247. doi10.1109/TIE.2020.2965458

In this paper, basic cell of a novel switched capacitor converter (SCC) has been proposed first. After that, the generalized structure of proposed SCC is developed. A switched capacitor multilevel inverter (SCMLI) utilizing 2 number of generalized SCCs is developed next. Further, cascaded extension of proposed SCMLI is realized and analyzed for symmetric and asymmetric dc source configurations. An extensive comparison study shows that the proposed SCMLI requires lower number of components as compared to other SCMLIs.  Extensive experimental results are presented to validate the merits of the proposed structure.

KIIT School of Electronics Engineering

  1. Mukherjee, D., Raja, G. L., Kundu, P. (2021), Optimal Fractional Order IMC-Based Series Cascade Control Strategy with Dead-Time Compensator for Unstable Processes, J Control Autom Electr Syst, Vol. 32, pp. 30–41.

ABSTRACT: In industrial unstable processes, disturbance rejection is more challenging task than set point tracking. So, cascade control structure is widely used in many chemical processes to reject disturbances. In this work, an advanced dead time compensator based series cascade control structure (SCCS) is suggested for unstable processes. The suggested SCCS has three controllers (named as primary, secondary and stabilizing controllers). Both primary and secondary controllers are designed using fractional order based internal model control (IMC) approach. Optimal values of the closed-loop time constants and fractional orders of IMC filters are obtained using constrained artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm.

Keywords: Fractional calculus, IMC, ABC algorithm, Series cascade control, Dead time compensator.

  1. Dutta, P., Behera, S., and Rout, S.P.(2021).  Controlling of Floating-Body and Thermal Conductivity in Short Channel SOI MOSFET at 30 nm Channel Node. Silicon

ABSTRACT: ULP- SOI transistor are still suffering from SCEs, the FBE and SHEs. The leakage current is minimized by using GaP and buried oxide layer (SiO2-Si3N4-SiO2) in 30 nm channel node SOI MOSFET. The high thermal conductivity HfO2 and Si3N4 material being applied in the mentioned structure to reduce the maximum temperature and controls self-heating effects. Also, the extra floated holes in the active region is reduced by a new N+-P+ diode created at the interface of the N+ source region and P+ silicon layer resulting in control FBE. The parameters like SS, gm, Ion/Ioff ratio, Vth, DIBL of an SOI MOSFET are also studied. Extracted numerical outcomes make an evidence to replace conventional SOI by the modified structure.

Keywords: Silicon-on-insulator(SOI) MOSFET, Conventional MOSFET (C-MOSFET), Floating body effect(FBE), Short channel effect(SCE), Leakage current

  1. Barman, U., Goswami, N., Ghosh, S. S., and Paily, R. P. (2021), Fabrication of Glutathione-S-Transferase–ZnO Nanoconjugate Ensemble FET Device for Detection of Glutathione, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 68, No. 3, pp.1242–1249.

ABSTRACT: Fabrication and characterization of field effect transistor (FET) device consisting of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticle–glutathione-S-transferase (GST) composite channel for successful in vitro detection and quantification of glutathione (GSH) in solution and in cancerous cell has been reported in this article. The detection is based on the change in output current characteristics of the device in real time whenever the conjugation reaction between GSH and 1-chloro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) in the presence of GST takes place on the functionalized channel of the device. This device also successfully differentiates between laboratory grown HeLa, MCF-7 (both cancerous), and human embryonic kidney (HEK-noncancerous) cells based on concentration of glutathione present.

KEYWORDS: Biosensor, cancer, field effect transistor (FET), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), Zinc Oxide (ZnO).

  1.   Ghazali, A. N, Md. Sazid, and Pal, S. (2021) Multiple Passband Transmission Zeros Embedded Compact UWB Filter Based on Microstrip/CPW Transition

AEU – International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.129, No. 153549.

ABSTRACT:This manuscript presents an UWB-BPF with dual TZ embedded in the passband. Based on the vertical EM coupling of microstrip-to-CPW transition, the structure has two similar microstrips placed adjacent on the top plane whereas a short-circuited CPW forms the ground. The response of this BPF is quasi-elliptical in nature with two TZs at either passband edges which enhances selectivity and improves insertion/return loss. To this basic BPF, novel sectoral folded split ring resonator (SFSRR) and spiral resonator (SR) are appended in the slots of the ground plane, which produce dual TZs in the passband at 4.5 and 8 GHz respectively.

Keywords:Bandpass filter (BPF), Broadside coupled, Microstrip-to-CPW transition, Transmission zero (TZ), Ultra-wideband (UWB)

  1.  Sabut,S. K., Pandey, O., Mishra, B. S. P., and Mohanty. M.(2021), Detection of Ventricular Arrhythmia Using Hybrid Time-Frequency-based Features and Deep Neural Network

Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, Vol. 44, pp. 135–145.

ABSTRACT: Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a major cause of death among patients with heart diseases that occurs mainly due to ventricular tachyarrhythmia (VTA). The main challenging task is to predict the VTA condition at a faster rate for timely application of automatic external defibrillator (AED) in order to save lives. Deep neural network (DNN) has been used for VF/VT classification in hybrid time–frequency-based features, which were decomposed with the wavelet transform, empirical mode decomposition (EMD), and variable mode decomposition (VMD) approaches. The model achieved an accuracy (Acc) of 99.2%, sensitivity (Se) of 98.8%, and specificity (Sp) of 99.3%.

Keywords: SCD, VT, ECG classification, hybrid feature, deep learning

  1. Raghavendra, U., Pham, T. H., Gudigar, A., Vidhya, V., Rao, B. N., Sabut, S. K., Wei, J. K. E., Ciaccio, E. J., Acharya, U. R. (2021), Novel and Accurate Non-Linear Index for the Automated Detection of Haemorrhagic Brain Stroke Using CT Images, Complex & Intelligent Systems, Vol. 7, pp. 929–940.

ABSTRACT: Brain stroke occurs mainly due to insufficient blood flow to the brain.  The affected part of brain will not function properly after this attack. Hence, early detection is important for more efficacious treatment. Computer-aided diagnosis can help in detecting life-threatening disease in its early stage by utilizing image processing and soft computing techniques. A model was developed to assess intracerebral haemorrhage by employing non-linear features combined with a probabilistic neural network classifier in CT images. Our model achieved a maximum accuracy of 97.37% in discerning normal versus haemorrhagic subjects. An intracerebral haemorrhage index is also developed using only three significant features.

Keywords: Brain stroke, CT, ICH index, intracranial hemorrhage, probabilistic neural network.

  1. Gupta, D., Soni, A. K, Jha, A. V., Mishra, S. K. Appasani, B., Srinivasulu, A., Bizon, N., Thounthong, P. (2021), Hybrid Gravitational–Firefly Algorithm-Based Load Frequency Control for Hydrothermal Two-Area System, Mathematics, Vol.  9, No.  7 pp. 712

ABSTRACTThe load frequency control (LFC) and tie-line power are the key deciding factors to evaluate the performance of a multiarea power system. In this paper, the performance analysis of a two-area power system is presented. This analysis is based on two performance metrics: LFC and tie line power. The performance is evaluated by designing a proportional plus integral (PI) controller. The hybrid gravitational search with firefly algorithm (hGFA) has been devised to achieve proper tuning of the controller parameter. The performance is compared with some of the well-known optimization techniques, namely, particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm, gravitational search algorithm and the firefly algorithm.


load frequency control; automatic generation control; controllers;  optimization techniques;  multisource power system;  interconnected power system

  1. Jha, A. V., Mishra, S. K., Appasani. B., and Ghazali A. N. (2021), Communication Networks for Metropolitan E-Health Applications, IEEE Potentials, Vol. 40, pp. 34–42,

ABSTRACTThe unification of advanced communication technologies with compact sensors has enabled the materialization of e-health applications, such as telemedicine, telemonitoring, e-prescriptions, and health informatics, among others, which have revolutionized the field of health care. An important factor in their successful implementation is the reliability of the communication networks that are responsible for the flow of information among the devices related to the e-health applications. This need is exacerbated when the devices are distributed over a wide topological sprawl.

Keywords- communication networks, e-health, reliability, communication technologies

  1. Jha, A. V., Appasani, B., Ghazali, A. N., Pattanayak, P.,Gurjar, D. S., Kabalci, E., Mohanta, and D. K. (2021), Smart Grid Cyber-Physical Systems: Communication Technologies, Standards and Challenges, Wireless Networking,

ABSTRACT—This paper is an elaborate survey on the communication networks from the perspective of the smart grid cyber physical system (SG-CPS). This paper presents the state-of-art communication technologies that can meet the communication requirements of the various SG-CPS applications. The communications standards and communication protocols are also comprehensively discussed. A systematic mapping among communication technologies, standards, and protocols for various SG-CPS applications has been presented based on an extensive literature survey in this paper. Furthermore, several challenges, such as security, safety, reliability and resilience, etc., have been addressed from SG-CPS’s perspective.

Keywords-Smart grid, cyber physical system, communication technologies, standards, communication network

  1. Appasani, B., Jha, A. V., Mishra, S. K., and Ghazali, A. N. (2021), Communication Infrastructure for Situational Awareness Enhancement in WAMS with Optimal PMU Placement, Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, Vol. 6No. 9.

ABSTRACTThis paper presents a pragmatic metric to assess the operator situational awareness (SA) and ensure optimal locations for the placement of phasor measurement units (PMUs), phasor data concentrator (PDC), and the underlying communication infrastructure to increase the efficacy of operator SA. The uses of digital elevation model (DEM) data of the surface topography to determine the optimal locations for the placement of the PMU, and the microwave technology for communicating synchrophasor data is another important contribution. The practical power grid system of Bihar in India is considered as a case study for validating the proposed methodology using simulations.

KeywordsSmart grid, cyber physical system, communication technologies, standards, communication network

  1. Behera, T. M., Nanda, S., Mohapatra, S. K., Samal, U. C., Khan, M. S., and Gandomi, A. H. (2021), CH Selection via Adaptive Threshold Design Aligned on Network Energy,

IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, pp. 8491–8500.

ABSTRACT: Energy consumption in WSN that involves multiple sensor nodes is a crucial parameter in many applications. Hence, an energy-efficient cluster-head selection strategy is imperative in a WSN to improve network performance. So to balance the harsh conditions in the network with fast changes in the energy dynamics, a novel energy-efficient adaptive fuzzy-based CH selection approach is projected. Extensive simulations exploited various real-time scenarios, such as varying the optimal position of the location of the base station and network energy. Additionally, the results showed an improved performance in the throughput (46%) and energy consumption (66%), which demonstrated the robustness and efficacy of the proposed model for the future designs of WSN applications.

Keywords—Adaptive threshold formulation, Efficient CH selection, Fuzzy Logic, Multi-sensor nodes, WSN

  1. Gupta, D. K., Jha, A.V., Appasani, B., Srinivasulu, A., Bizon, N., and Thounthong, P. (2021),

Load Frequency Control Using Hybrid Intelligent Optimization Technique for Multi-Source, Power Systems Energies, Vol. 14, pp. 1581.

ABSTRACTFor multi-source power system, this paper presents a new heuristic-based hybrid optimization technique to achieve the objective of automatic load frequency control. In particular, the proposed optimization technique regulates the frequency deviation and the tie-line power in multi-source power system. The proposed optimization technique uses the main features of three different optimization techniques, namely, the Firefly Algorithm (FA), the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA).

Keywords– optimization techniques; multisource power system; automatic generation control; controllers; load frequency control

  1. Das, S. and Jha, R. (2021), Underwater Low Acoustic Frequency Detection Based on In-Line Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol.  38, pp. 570– 575.

ABSTRACT: We propose and demonstrate an in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer (IMZI) as an optical hydrophone. The IMZI is fabricated by creating two tapers in the single-mode fiber (SMF) and the two tapered sections are separated by a small section of un-tapered SMF. The sensing mechanism is based on the acoustic pressure-induced wavelength shift of the IMZI transmission spectrum. The proposed hydrophone is tested underwater with acoustic signals of different frequencies in the range 15 Hz-250 Hz. For a specific IMZI structure, the hydrophone shows a sensitivity of 27.93 nm/Pa and a noise-limited minimum detectable pressure of 5.53 mPa/√Hz.

Keywords: Acoustic Detection, Optical Fibre Sensors, Underwater Acoustics, Hydrophone, Optical Interferometry

  1. Ramavath, S.,Samal, U. C. (2021), Theoretical Analysis of PAPR Companding Techniques for FBMC Systems,  Wireless Personal Communications.

ABSTRACT Because of their numerous advantages, offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM) with fifilter bank multicarrier (FBMC) has sparked tremendous interest in recent decades over orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Due to the superimposed formation of OQAM-FBMC signals, however, the largest peak to average power ratio (PAPR) minimization techniques developed for OFDM systems may not be directly applicable to OQAM-FBMC systems. The topic of power ratio reduction technique is discussed technically in this paper, as well as the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) for OQAM-FBMC systems using different companding transforms. Theoretical research and simulation findings demonstrate that the µ-law companding process, as compared to other companding methods, effectively reduces PAPR.

Keywords PAPR, CCDF, Compander, FBMC, OFDM, OQAM, PSD

  1. Das, S., Gupta, A., and Sahu, S.(2021) Metamaterial Based Fractal-Ground Loaded Frequency-Reconfigurable Monopole-Antenna with Gain-Bandwidth Enhancement,

AEU International Journal of Electronics & Communication, Vol. 132, No. 153593.

ABSTRACT: A novel reconfigurable fractal ground loaded monopole antenna with p-i-n diode switching and metamaterial as superstrate for gain and bandwidth enhancement is reported. The proposed structure is a CPW-fed monopole antenna with a Minkowski fractal square ring loaded in the ground plane. The antenna with diode OFF operates at 1.4 GHz, 2.1 GHz, 3.7 GHz, 7.6 GHz and 8.9 GHz. But, with diode switched ON, the resonating frequencies shift to 1.4 GHz, 3.4 GHz, 5.45 GHz, 7.86 GHz and 9.52 GHz respectively. When a metamaterial superstrate is placed on top of the monopole radiator, the respective peak gain of 8.37 dB, 8.67 dB, 5.26 dB, 16.09 dB and 21.58 dB are obtained that justifies the shift of operating bands.

Keywords: Co-planar waveguide, monopole antenna, Metamaterial (MTM) superstrate, Frequency reconfigurable antenna, p-i-n diode.

  1. Das, S. and Sahu, S. (2021), Polarization Reconfigurability Enabled Metamaterial Inspired Dielectric Resonator Based Fabry-Perot Resonator Cavity Antenna with High Gain and Bandwidth, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 31 No.e22603.

ABSTRACT: A novel metamaterial inspired small array Fabry‐Perot Resonator cavity antenna is designed over a wide‐band dielectric resonator antenna to enhance gain and bandwidth operating at C‐band applications. Further, the cavity resonator is modified with the application of 12 no. of RF p‐i‐n diodes between the upper layer of the posterior unit‐cells to achieve the polarization reconfigurability (PR) keeping the bandwidth, gain and efficiency intact. With the PR architecture, the antenna imparts 4.8 GHz bandwidth operating between 4 and 8.8 GHz with an average simulated efficiency of 72% and an average gain of 20 dBi throughout the operating band. The specific alignment of the diode polarity enables the model to obtain left‐handed circular polarization and/or right‐handed circular polarization.

Keywords: Metamaterial, Dielectric Resonator Antenna, Fabry Perot Cavity.

  1.  Dessalew, A., Acharya, O. P., Sahu, S. (2021), A Wideband Four-Port Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Slot Antenna for WLAN/Wifi/5G below 6 GHz Applications, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,Vol. 31, No.e22605.

Abstract: In this article, a four‐port wideband MIMO antenna consisting of moon‐shaped slot radiators positioned at the ground plane corners is presented. Slotted square ring metamaterial structures as parasitic element have been loaded on the substrate adjacent to the feed lines to enhance the operating bandwidth and miniaturize the antenna. The proposed MIMO antenna has a measured bandwidth of 3.11 to 6.6 GHz (71.88%) with more than 18 dB isolation between antenna elements. Furthermore, simulated diversity parameters such as envelope correlation coefficient, diversity gain, mean effective gain, and channel capability loss are validated with the measured values and found within the acceptable limits over the operating frequency..

Keywords: MIMO Antenna, 5G, Metamaterial.

  1. Mohanty, A. and Sahu, S. (2021), Integration of Coupling Resonator as Port-Isolator and MMLC-Minkowiski Fractal Loop for Wi-Max Rejection in 4-Port Compact UWB MIMO Antenna, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications.

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a 4-port compact UWB MIMO antenna. It has 4500 tilted offset feed for better impedance matching and connected to cornered cut-out quad-radiators. A miniaturized magnetic LC (MMLC) Minkowiski fractal loop acts as a magnetic shield between electric walls of feed and resonator for Wi-max band rejection. The contra-rotational symmetry of resonator and rotationally asymmetric strips in ground enhances isolation. To validate, a prototype antenna is fabricated and measured which shows good agreements. The proposed antenna has a compact dimension 31 mm × 31 mm, operates from 2.27 to 11.7 GHz and reject bands at 3.0–4.2 GHz. The average gain is > 4 dBi with ECC < 0.16 in the operating band.

Keywords: Dual-purpose resonator, MIMO antenna, Minkowiski fractal.

  1. Prasad, R., Das, A. K. and Singh, U. P. (2021), Bi-layer CIGS Based Solar Cell Device for Enhanced Performance: A Numerical Approach,Applied Physics A, pp. 127-140.

ABSTRACT: A numerical simulation of a single-junction bi-layer of CIGS based solar cell tandem device is presented. The structure used here is Al:ZnO/CdS/CuIn1-X Ga X Se 2 / CuIn1-y Ga y Se 2  and the software used is WX-AMPS. We proposed to the issue of diffusion (unintentional Ga grading) which occurs at the time of annealing by adding a p-type MoS2 layer in between the bi-layer CIGS to limit the diffusion. The efficiency of the bi-layer device structure with fixed Ga fraction x=(0.31) of the top absorber layer along with Ga fraction y=(0.45) of the bottom absorber layer shows the improved efficiency from 20.56% (Single layer) to 23.6% (bilayer) to  24.17%( bilayer with MoS2).

Keywords: CIGS solar cells, wx-AMPS, Bi-layer (tandem) structure, Thin films, Photovoltaic devices.

  1. Padhy, S., Mannu, R., and Singh, U. P. (2021), Graded Band Gap Structure of Kesterite Material Using Bilayer of CZTS and Cztse for Enhanced Performance: A Numerical Approach, Solar Energy, Vol. 216, pp. 601-609.

Abstract: Thin film solar cells based on CZTS based solar cells are very promising, because they contain earth abundant elements.To obtain better performance, we have investigated the output effect of fixed bilayer CZTS/CZTSe structure with band gap 0.9 and 1.5 eV respectively and the effect of MoS2 interfacial layer between CZTS and CZTSe layer to avoid unintentional elemental diffusion. The idea of bilayer CZTS/MoS2/CZTSe structure was exploited to achieve higher open circuit voltage and efficiency by band engineering mechanism. The thin interfacial layer introduced between the two layers ultimately diminishes the recombination process due to the back induced electric field.  The fixed bandgap CZTS/MoS2/CZTSe exhibits better performance.

Keywords: CZTS/CZTSe bilayer, MoS2 interfacial layer, Wx-Amps simulation

  1. Mohanty, I., Mangal, S., Jana, S., and Singh, U. P. (2021), Stability Factors of Perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications: A Study, Materials Today Proceedings, Vol.39, pp.1829-1832.

ABSTRACT : In this work, an investigated study has been done on the stability factors of perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) varying the course of time. A basic characterization comparison among four different samples has been done in order to understand the degradation in the samples.

Keywords: Perovskite solar cells (PSCs); CH3NH3PbI3; perovskite; degradation; stability.

  1. Bal, S. S., Padhy, S., Singh, U. P. (2021), Effect of Ge & ZnO Inter-layer on the Properties of CZTSSe Absorber Layer, Materials Today Proceedings, Vol. 39, pp.1843–1847.

ABSTRACT: The properties of CZTSSe absorber layer was affected by the use of the intermediate layer between Mo and CZTSSe. This work aims to get a deeper insight into the beneficial effects of the inter-layer incorporation between Mo and CZTSSe on absorber layer. A thin layer of Ge and ZnO was deposited on the Mo coated Soda lime glass substrates, and thin layers of CZTS were printed, followed by the deposition of Selenium. The deposited films were annealed at 450 °C for 20 min and its variuos properties were studied.  It is observed that the crystallinity, grain size and mobility of the film improves with Ge as an intermediate layer as compared to Mo or Mo/ZnO.

Keywords: CZTSSe, Inter-layer, Annealing, XRD, Raman Analysis, Thin Films

  1. Kumar, V. and Singh, U. P. (2021), Formation of CZTSSe Absorber Layer Using Thiourea Treatment of CZTSe,Materials Today Proceedings, Vol. 39, pp. 1838-1842.

ABSTRACT: In the present work, CZTSe (Cu2ZnSnSe4) films were deposited by Thermal evaporation technique. The as deposited films were annealed at 450°C for 10 min. To incorporate Sulfur in the CZTSe film and to replace some of the Se by S, the films (as deposited and annealed) were treated with Thiourea solution (1 Molar). Further the films were annealed at 450°C for 10 min after the thiourea treatment. The obtained structural, compositional, electrical and optical properties of CZTSe absorber layer after thiourea treatment are suitable for device application.

Keywords: CZTSe; Thiourea treatment; Annealing; Thin film

  1. Garain, R., Basak, A., Singh, U. P. (2021), Study of Thickness and Temperature Dependence on the Performance of S Ns Based Solar Cell by SCAPS-1D,       Materials Today  Proceedings, Vol. 39, pp. 1833–1837.

ABSTRACT: SnS is a promising material for solar cell applications. The photovoltaic performance of SnS based solar cell were analyzed by using SCAPS-1D. The structure used for this simulation study was glass/ITO/ZnO/CdS/SnS/metal contact where SnS was used as an absorber layer, CdS as a window layer, ZnO as a buffer layer. The thickness of the absorber as well as window layer and the ambient operating temperature were optimized for the solar cell. Results showed that with the increase in thickness the efficiency increases up to a certain limit before it gets saturated whereas with the increase in ambient operating temperature the efficiency decreases.

Keywords : Thin film solar cell, Tin sulfide, Simulation, Thickness variation, Ambient operating temperature

  1. Mannu, R., Padhy, S. Singh, and U. P. (2021), Variation of Different Layer Parameters in a CZTS Based Solar Cell for Optimum Performance: A Simulative Approach, Materials Today Proceedings, Vol. 39, pp. 1876–1883.

ABSTRACT: The Kesterite based solar cell (CZTS) are reliant on earth abundant, non-toxic elements is employed. In the simulative study, optimization of different layers like Al doped ZnO (front layer), i-ZnO, CdS (buffer layer), CZTS (absorber layer) have been studied by using wxAMPS numerical simulation. The objective is to achieve the optimized layers parameters such as concentration (donor and acceptor), thickness, defect density of the solar cell which comprises of Al:ZnO/i-ZnO/ CdS/CZTS/Mo from top to bottom. This paper explicitly deals with the idea to optimize output parameters which are represented as VOC = 0.754 Volt, JSC = 22.10 mA/cm2 and efficiency of 14.17% of the cell.

Keywords: Thin film solar cell, CZTS, Numerical analysis, wxAMPS, ZnO

  1. Mandal, S., Basak, A., and Singh U .P. (2021), Effect of Post Annealing on the Properties of Aluminium Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films Deposited by DC Sputtering,

Materials Today Proceedings, Vol. 39, pp. 1821-1828.

ABSTRACT: Deposition of highly conductive and transparent ZnO:Al (AZO) thin films on glass substrates were done by direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering using ZnO:Al (2 wt%, Al2O3 ) target. Post deposition, annealing was done under oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) environment at 200 °C, 300 °C and 400 °C. Structural, optical and electrical properties of the as-deposited and the annealed samples were studied by various techniques. Obtained results showed that the properties of the AZO thin films varied with the change in annealing environment and the annealing temperature.

Keywords: DC sputtering, ZnO:Al thin films, Annealing, Opto-electrical properties, XRD

  1. Mandal, P., Singh, U. P., and Roy, S. (2021), Optical Performance of Europium-doped β Gallium Oxide PVD Thin Films, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, Vol. 32, pp. 3958–3965.

ABSTRACT: In the present paper, the aim was to dope β gallium oxide with different concentrations of europium. Therefore europium and gallium oxide were co-sputtered to get varying concentrations of europium in β gallium oxide structure. The doping concentration varied from 4.6 to 10.1 mole% of europium. The optical bandgap of β gallium oxide was found to decrease due to doping with europium. Although the transmittance increased drastically with increase in doping concentration from 4.6 to 10.1%, their bandgap was independent of the dopant concentration. In consultation with the binary phase diagram and photoluminescence of the thin films, the optimal dopant concentration in β gallium oxide was found to be around 10% Eu.

Keywords: β gallium oxide, Europium doping, sputtering, Band gap, photoluminescence

  1. Parija, S., Swayamsiddha, S., Sahu, P. K., and Singh, S. S. (2021), Profile Based Location Update for Cellular Network Using Mobile Phone Data, Microsyst Technol, Vol. 27, pp. 369–377.

ABSTRACT: In the wireless cellular network, location management is one of the intricate dynamic issues that expend the available limited wireless resources in order to guarantee for delivering a call to the mobile device. In this paper, the proposed profile based location update(LU) technique takes into consideration the individual user movement to optimize the LU characteristics in order to minimize the signaling cost of mobile network. The use of Call Data Record for profiling the users, the mathematical formulation which has not yet been used by the other researchers and validation of the algorithm based on actual user data rather than theoretically predicted data are the novelty of this work.

Keywords: Mobile Location Management, Profile-based Location Update(LU), Call Data Record(CDR), Optimization

  1. Vandana, B., Mohapatra, S. K., Das, J. K.,,Pradhan, K. P.,Kundu, A., and Kaushik, B. K.  (2021), Memoryless Nonlinearity in IT JL FinFET with Spacer Technology: Investigation towards Reliability, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 119, No. 114072.

ABSTRACT: This work investigates the reliability assessment of high-k spacer and the effect of temperature on the device analog/RF performance for Inverted ‘T’ (IT) Junctionless (JL) FinFET. A systematic analysis is performed for different high-k spacer materials, like, SiO2, Si3N4, and HfO2 to improve the analog/RF performances. Various performances as subthreshold swing (SS), current switching ratio (ION/IOFF ratio), drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL), transconductance (gm), early voltage (VEA), gain (AV), higher order derivatives of current, Capacitance, cut-off frequency (fT), 2nd and 3rd order voltage intercept point, 3rd order intermodulation input intercept point (IIP3) are analysed. The obtained results are achieved with uniform high doping concentration under bulk conduction mechanism.

Keywords: Junctionless MOSFET, FinFET, Low-k to high-k materials, Spacer, Temperature, Analog/RF Linearity

KIIT School of Humanities

  1. Dhal, S. (2021), Anxiety as a Source of Motivation: A Critical Study of the Select Novels of Bapsi Sidhwa, Journal of International Women Studies, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 142–150.

Abstract: The Parsi community in India is currently threatened by extinction due to diverse factors including low birth rate, fecundity, strict laws against religious conversion, and extreme urbanization. Bapsi Sidhwa, one of the first authors to give a voice to the Parsis, epitomizes herself on behalf of her community and tries to surmount this anxiety in a creative comportment. Her works are not confined to individual anxiety; rather they contextualize the community’s ceaseless quest for identity and survival. This paper closely scrutinizes various key aspects of the Parsi community and its sensibilities in the novels of Bapsi Sidhwa.

Keywords: Anxiety, Motivation, Ethnicity, Identity, Parsi community, Qualitative analysis

  1. Dulla, N. and Priyadarshini, S. (2021), Gendered Parenting Influence on Children’s Socialization to Gender Stereotype in Marital life, Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1–19. DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n1.28.

Abstract: Gendered parenting has the potential to be a breeding ground for fueling the belief of gender stereotyping in the minds of their offsprings. The objective of the study is to examine empirically the impact of gendered parenting on gendered socialization in their children’s marital life. The study adopts thirty-two-items scale devised by Brogan & Kutner (1976) and eight- items scale under Gender Role Stereotype Scale (2012) by taking into consideration a sample size of eight hundred respondents comprising of highly educated married professionals and their parents. The study makes efforts to enhance the understanding of the community of parents to limit the transmission of gendered ideology to their next generations, thereby, progressing towards egalitarian society. 

Key Words: Gender, Gendered Parenting, Gender Stereotype, Gender Socialization, Marriage, Couples

  1. Panda, D. (2021), Unorganised Entrepreneurship and Employment Generation in India, International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 59–69. DOI: 10.1504/IJIDS.2021.113596.

Abstract: Considering India’s population growth and paucity of job opportunities, entrepreneurship is the only key to come out of the juncture of unemployment. Entrepreneurship may be in the organised or unorganised form. Unorganised sector in India outweighs the organised sector in this front. But the unorganised sector fails to win the confidence of the stakeholders for its unsystematic approach and unavailability of regulatory framework. This paper unfolds how the unorganised sector in India easily accommodate heavy workforce but with many gray areas. Case study method and in-depth interview method are followed to highlight the problem and focus group discussion is conducted to design a framework for win-win situation.

Key Words: unorganised sector; entrepreneur; self-employment; contribution; challenges; India.