Book Chapters (July 2021)


KIIT School of Biotechnology

1. Didier, M., ,Dey G., Guibert B., Temple, H. (2021), Overview of the legislation regarding traceability and authenticity of foods of plant origin in EU, USA, Canada, Australia-New Zealand in Authenticity of Foods of Plant Origin, Konstantinos Kotsanopoulos (Ed), ‎ CRC Press; 1st edition, Taylor & Francis Publications, USA.


Careful inspection of the specific regulatory guidelines set by all countries reveals that regulations on traceability are largely similar worldwide. Countries that have not drawn their own regulatory guidelines on traceability have been applying the guidelines of Codex alimentarius or the FAO recommendations and/or the regulations of importing countries for international trade. The most comprehensive text covering traceability seems to be that of the European Union (EU). The clarity of the guidelines facilitates International trade. It must also be pointed out that, presently, EU is the only region that has implemented a regulation on the geographical origin-traceability of foodstuffs.

2. Mishra P., Beura S., Modak, R. (2021), Significance of Enzymes in Modern Healthcare: From Diagnosis to Therapy in, Bioprospecting of Enzymes in Industry, Healthcare and Sustainable Environment, Thatoi H., Mohapatra S., Das S.K. (Eds),  Springer, Singapore.


Enzymes play diverse role in healthcare and disease diagnostics. Specific enzyme activities provide vital information about different organ function and overall health of an individual. Pathogen detection is often facilitated by evaluation of specific enzyme activities. Advances in recombinant technology and protein engineering have evolved enzymes with wide implications in disease diagnosis through enzyme-based assays and pharmacological drug synthesis through green chemistry and combinatorial synthesis approaches. Here we discuss about well-established enzymes in healthcare thereby highlighting upon new therapeutic targets and novel methodologies adapted as emerging therapies for existing as well as “incurable” diseases.

KIIT School of Computer Engineering

1. Singh, K. N., Patra, S. S., Samantaray, S., Jena, S., Mantri, J. K., Misra, C. (2021), Automatic Sleep EEG Classification with Ensemble Learning Using Graph Modularity, In Biomedical Signal Processing for Healthcare Applications, CRC Press,pp. 1-24.


Sleep is of paramount importance to us, and it aids in healing mental as well as physical health of humans. Lack of sleep builds up the risk of serious diseases such as diabetes and cancer. The proficient technique of scoring the sleep stages in electroencephalogram (EEG) is an indispensable tool for medical practitioners in order to diagnose sleep disorders at an early stage.The modularity of the graphs is taken as the features to a classifier based on ensemble learning. Depending on the outcomes of the ensemble classifier, the sleep EEG signals are classified.

2. Patra, S. S., Misra, C., Singh, K. N., Gourisaria, M. K., Choudhury, S., Sahu, S. (2021), qIoTAgriChain: IoT Blockchain Traceability Using Queueing Model in Smart Agriculture. In Blockchain Applications in IoT Ecosystem, Springer, Cham, pp. 203-223.


Blockchain is an egressing digitally managed technology which allows ubiquitous monetary transactions with the untrusted entities, without involving the intermediary bodies, viz., banks. The literature reveals that IoT along with blockchain technology (BT) offers various benefits to the functioning of the agriculture supply chain (AgriChain). we develop a queueing model which evaluates in detail the characteristics of an AgriChain system and measures the performance of the model

3. Patra, S. S., Jena, S., Mund, G. B., Gourisaria, M. K., Gupta, J. K. (2021), Meta‐Heuristic Algorithms for Best IoT Cloud Service Platform Selection, Integration of Cloud Computing with Internet of Things: Foundations, Analytics, and Applications, pp. 299-318.

Abstract: This chapter provides a constrained multi-criteria federated cloud provider selection strategy mathematical model. It discusses three meta-heuristics algorithms (Bird Swarm Algorithm, TLBO, Jaya) and implemented to solve and verify the validity of the model. Internet of Things is the collected network of physical devices, home appliances, vehicular networks plugged with sensors, electronics along with network connectivity that gathers and exchange data and information. The chapter proposes a constrained multi-criteria federated cloud provider selection mathematical model.


  1. Pal, S., Le, D-N., Pattnaik, P.K. (2021), Cloud Computing Solutions: Architecture, Data Storage, Implementation and Security, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  2. Swain, D., Pattnaik, P.K., Ahawale, T. (2021), Machine Learning and Information Processing, ICMLIP-2020, Springer.
  3. Pattnaik, P.K., Sain, M., Al-Absi, A.A., Kumar, P. (2021), International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security, Smart Cyber 2020, South Korea, LNNS, Springer.
  4. Kumar, R., Quang, N.H., Kumar Solanki, V., Cardona, M., Pattnaik, P.K. (2021), Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, Proceedings of RICE 2020, Vietnam, AISC, Springer.

School of Electrical Engineering

1. Senapati R., MishraS.P., Senapati R.N., Sharma P.(2021), Power Quality Improvement of a 3-Phase-3-Wire Grid-Tied PV-Fuel Cell System by 3-Phase Active Filter Employing Sinusoidal Current Control StrategyinMicrogrid Technologies, C. Sharmeela, P. Sivaraman, P. Sanjeevikumar Jens Bo Holm- Nielsen (Eds.), Scrivener Publishing LLC, pp. 329 – 376.

Abstract:The aim of the modern power sector is to produce power as when required at the suitable sites, then transmitting and distributing the same to various load centers, maintaining the quality (frequency and voltage at a specified value) and reliability at an economical price. The objective of this chapter is to resolve various power quality issues with a cost-effective solution and harmonic mitigation by Active power filter (series and shunt active filters), in a Grid connected PV-Fuel Cell system with a focus on time domain control strategy based on instantaneous pq-theory. The strategy is implemented using MATLAB 2016A, to extricate sinusoidal current from the source.

2. Acharya A., Choudhury K.V.S.SR., Sahoo P. K. and Kumar K. (2021), Simulation and Analysis of Single-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Solar PV Application, in Advances in Smart Grid Automation and Industry 4.0. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, Dusmanta Kr. Mohanta, Deepak Kumar, M. Jaya Bharata Reddy, Debomita Ghosh (Eds.), Springer, Singapore, pp. 543–554,

Abstract: In this work, symmetrical and asymmetrical topologies of cascaded multilevel inverter are presented for a photovoltaic system which can be interconnected to grid along with suitable modulation technique. The solar system is interconnected with grid through a cascaded H-Bridge inverter by considering both types, i.e., equal, and unequal DC sources, called symmetric and asymmetric topology, respectively. The comparison between both the topologies is also described which is the main deciding factor of the suitability for practical applications. The simulation analysis is carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK platform, and further, their THD level is also compared.

School of Mechanical Engineering

1. Behera, A., Pan, J., Behera, A. (2021), Temperature nanosensors for smart manufacturing, Nanosensors for Smart Manufacturing In Micro and Nano Technologies, Sabu Thomas, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Mazaher Ahmadi, Ali Farmani, Ghulam Yasin (Eds.), Elsevier, Pages 249-272, ISBN 9780128233580,


This chapter describes how nanotechnology has improved temperature sensors, allowing them to be used in many different applications. Temperature nanosensors efficiently measure the temperature of an object or system with either an analog or digital output. Conventional sensors can be used for measurement of temperature at the macro level, but nanosensors can measure temperature in remote or unusual conditions, like determining the temperature of a body cell. Temperature nanosensors of different types are currently being manufactured, depending upon the application. Temperature nanosensors are used extensively in smart manufacturing, including in the electronics, chemical, and automobile industries, among others. It is forecasted that the global temperature sensor market size will rise from USD 06.03 billion in 2020 to USD 08.08 billion by 2027. This shows the importance of temperature sensors in the global market. This chapter describes types of temperature nanosensors, their methods of manufacturing, and applications in various fields.

2. Kumar, R., Panda, A., Sahoo, A.K., Singhal, D. (2021), Analysis of Heat Transfer Coefficient in Turning Process, International Conference on Thermofluids, In: Revankar S., Sen S., Sahu D. (eds), Proceedings of International Conference on Thermofluids, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, Singapore, Vol. 29, Pages 655 – 663.


In the current work, the stepwise procedure is deliberated to estimate the convection heat transfer coefficient for the workpiece into the surrounding and tool-workpiece interface into the surrounding. Further, the influence of input cutting terms (axial feed and cutting speed) onto the convection heat transfer coefficient is studied with the help of the main effect plot and surface plot. Heat transfer coefficient (hc) for workpiece into surrounding is improving with accelerating cutting speed, while it reduces sharply till        0.30 mm/rev of axial feed but further slowly increases. Heat transfer coefficient (hin)     for the interface of tool-workpiece into surrounding is retarding with axial feed, whereas it is sharply increasing up to             60 m/min of machining speed beyond this it is almost constant.

3. Sharma S.K., Panda A., Kumar R., Sahoo A.K., Routara B.C. (2021), Embedded Heat Pipe-Assisted Cooling in Machining Process: A Comprehensive Review, In: Revankar S., Sen S., Sahu D. (eds), Proceedings of International Conference on Thermofluids, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, Singapore, Vol. 29, Pages 665 – 676.


Considering the correlation amid tool-chip contact and the sources of heat from tool taken into account, the influences of the embedded heat pipe are of prime limelight in the technologically advanced machining sector. This review study articulates various types of cutting tool and heat pipe materials and explores the relevance of the cutting performance.            Considering the future outlook, this review will converge internal cooling strategies particularly embedded heat pipe using industry implemented factors for machining sector to bring the technological changes.