NSS-SME Organizes Inaugural Ceremony of NSS Week-2021


NSS-SME organized the inaugural ceremony of NSS Week-2021 virtually on 17th September 2021. It was graced by Dr. Kajal Parashar, Programme Coordinator, KIIT-NSS Bureau and Prof. Deepak Singhal, Programme Officer, NSS-SME. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Parashar appreciated the scrupulous efforts of all members of NSS-SME.

Prof. Singhal inspired the volunteers to work harder. NSS-SME discussed and planned the numerous events to be conducted during the NSS Week. The volunteers shared innovative ideas to serve humanity better. At the end, cultural programs consisting of songs and dance performances by the cultural team of NSS-SME were presented. NSS SME extended its gratitude to Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS for his constant support and encouragement.

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